26.11.13 16:01
/KASE, November 26, 13/ – Today Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) in accordance with its internal document "Methodology of Securities Liquidity Indicators Defining" (Methodology) composed lists of shares of the first, second and third classes of liquidity for December 2013 – January 2014 out of shares admitted to circulation at KASE. Those lists were approved by November 25, 2013 decision of the Committee on Indices and Securities Valuation and had been composed for the purpose of applying of regulations of KASE internal documents "Regulations of Trades and the Confirmation System Operation" and "Regulations on Market-Makers" to shares contained therein. Below is the list of shares of the first class of liquidity, effective from December 1, 2013 to January 31, 2014 (securities titles are indicated in the descending order of their liquidity): 1) common shares KZ1C29950017 (KZ1C00000744, KASE official list first category, KZTO) of KazTransOil; 2) preferred shares KZ1P51460114 (KZ000A0RMTC3, KASE official list third category, RDGZp) of KazMunaiGas Exploration Production; 3) common shares KZ1C12280018 (KZ0009093241, KASE official list first category, KZTK) of Kazakhtelecom; 4) common shares KZ1C33870011 (KZ000A0LE0S4, KASE official list first category, HSBK) of Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan; 5) common shares KZ1C59150017 (KZ1C00000876, KASE official list, first category, KCEL) of Kcell; 6) common shares GB00B0HZPV38 (KASE official list first category, GB_KZMS) of KAZAKHMYS PLС; 7) common shares KZ1C00400016 (KZ000A0JC858, KASE official list first category, KKGB) of Kazkommertsbank; 8) common shares KZ1C34920013 (Unlisted Securities Sector, BTAS) of BTA Bank; 9) preferred shares KZ1P12280114 (KZ0009094645, KASE official list first category, KZTKp) of Kazakhtelecom; 10) common shares KZ1C51460018 (KZ000A0KEZQ2, KASE official list first category, RDGZ) of KazMunaiGas Exploration Production; 11) common shares KZ1C06320010 (KZ000A1CTMZ4, KASE official list third category, RAHT) of Rakhat; 12) common shares KZ1C36280010 (KZ0007786572, KASE official list second category, CCBN) of Bank CenterCredit; 13) common shares GB00B29BCK10 (KASE official list first category, GB_ENRC) of EURASIAN NATURAL RESOURCES CORPORATION PLC; 14) common shares KZ1C33820016 (KZ000A0Q5HK5, KASE official list first category, TSBN) of Tsesnabank JSC. 15) preferred shares KZ1P00400112 (KZ0005416453, KASE official list first category, KKGBp) of Kazkommertsbank JSC; Compared with the list of the first class liquidity shares composed for October–November 2013, out of the list of shares of the first class of liquidity composed for December, 2013–January, 2014 were removed common shares of KZ1C24120012 (KZ1C00000165, KASE official list second category, BSUL) of Bayan Sulu. Trades in shares of the first class of liquidity is held at KASE on working days – from 11:30 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. (Almaty time) by method of uninterrupted counter-directed auction (whereas the so-called Frankfurt trading method is used) and are switched to standby-mode in case of matching or crossing of bids and asks, if the price of a proposed deal deviates from the last transaction price of such shares by 10 %. For market-makers for the first liquidity class shares the maximum values of spreads between the best mandatory quotations for securities are set at 4 %. Trades in shares of the second and third classes of liquidity is held at KASE on working days – from 03:00 p.m. to 05:00 p.m. (Almaty time) by the method of uninterrupted counter-directed auction and are switched to standby- mode in case of matching or crossing of bids and asks, if the price of proposed deal deviates from the last transaction price of such shares by 5 %. For market-makers of illiquid shares of the second and third classes of liquidity the maximum values of spreads between the best mandatory quotations for securities are set at 5 %. The lists of shares of the first, second and third classes of liquidity for October– November 2013 are available on KASE website at http://www.kase.kz/files/normative_base/liquid_2013_oct_nov_eng.pdf The lists of shares of the first, second and third classes of liquidity for October– November 2013 are available on KASE website at http://www.kase.kz/files/normative_base/liquid_2013_dec_2014_jan_eng.pdf Regulations of Trades and Confirmation System Operation are available at – http://www.kase.kz/files/normative_base/reglament_trade_eng.pdf Regulations on Market-Makers are available at – http://www.kase.kz/files/normative_base/m_maker_eng.pdf Methodology of Securities Liquidity Indicator Defining is available at – http://www.kase.kz/files/normative_base/metodika_liquid_eng.pdf [2013-11-26]