SevKazEnergo (Kazakhstan) provides report Rating agency Expert RA Kazakhstan on updating of company's creditworthiness rating and reliability of its bonds KZ2C0Y10D695 (KZ2C00001519, SKENb1)

02.09.13 18:14
/KASE, September 2, 13/ – SevKazEnergo (Petropavlovsk), whose bonds are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has by an official letter informed KASE of the following: quote Due to updating of the rating SevKazEnergo is sending to you copies of the report on updating of the creditworthiness rating of the company and reliability rating of its bonds, as well as copies of certificates of assignment of creditworthiness and reliability ratings of the bonded loan issued by Rating agency Expert RA Kazakhstan unquote The said report provided by SevKazEnergo is available on KASE website in Russian at [2013-09-02]