Special trading session for buyback of common shares KZ1C56580018 (KZ1C00000090, VSTN) of Joint-stock Investment Real Estate Fund Velikaya Stena (Kazakhstan) is held on KASE today

26.07.13 09:29
/KASE, July 26, 13/ – Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) informs that a special trading session for buyback of common shares KZ1C56580018 (KZ1C00000090, KASE official list, sector "Securities of investment funds", VSTN) of JSC "Joint-stock Investment Real Estate Fund "Velikaya Stena" (Almaty) is held in KASE trading system today. JSC "RESMI Finance & Investment House" (Almaty) will act as the authorized buyer at the special trading session. The total number of common shares KZ1C56580018 outstanding currently makes up 12,266 pieces. The declared buyback volume makes up 63 shares (0.5 % of the indicated quantity of shares outstanding). The special trading session will be held in KASE trading system from 11:30 to 13:00 o'clock Almaty time (ALT) in sector Eqs_Liq_ST2 (group IF_List_NLiq_ST2). The security ticker at the trades – VSTN. The issuer shall define the cut-off till 15:00 ALT on the day of trades. Settlements shall be made by Central Securities Depository in compliance with its rules. The seller must ensure availability of securities at its account maintained at Central Securities Depository at 15:00 ALT (Т+0). Only limited orders submitted to the KASE trading system by the closed method shall be accepted to trading. As the price an order will indicate the value of one common share expressed in tenge accurate within the second decimal. As the number of financial instruments an order must indicate the quantity of common shares. As the order's volume the production of the number of common shares in the order and the order price must be indicated. The method of acceptance of orders for purchase – at the cut-off price. Only KASE stock market members may submit orders for participation in the trades. Other investors can submit orders through those legal entities. The full list of stock market members is available at http://www.kase.kz/en/membership Details of the said share issue are available at http://www.kase.kz/en/shares/show/VSTN [2013-07-26]