Last week Dow Jones fell by 630 points - record for the whole Index history

18.10.99 00:00
/PRIME TASS, Oct.18, 99/ - Decrease of Dow Jones Index by 630 points in the previous week has become the record for its whole history. News about 1.1% growth of the USA producers prices index in September /that is almost 2 times more forecasts/ literally knocked down the market. Besides the next Alan Greenspen' caution that the investors should not underestimate the risk of shares possession, has increased the number of persons wishing to sell shares before weekends. In result Dow Jones Index fallen on Friday by 266.90 points /2.6%/ to 10,019.71, during the trade its meaning some time was below than psychologically important level of 10,000 points. In total during a week its decrease has made 630 points /about 5.9 %/ - the record meaning for the whole Index history. The Index has decreased by 11.5% from its highest meaning of 11,326.04 points (August 25 of the current year). NASDAQ Composite Index decreased on Friday by 75.01 points /2.7%/ to 2,731.83 points, week's reduction is 5.36%. S&P 500Index S P decreased on Friday by 36.01 points /2.8%/ to 1,247.41 points, decrease for a week - 6.63%. The leaders in Friday's fall among USA blue chips were: American Express Company, J.P. Morgan&Company and General Electric Co. The greatest volume of trade on the New York Stock Exchange was fixed yesterday in the falling shares of Microsoft Corp. and Cisco Systems Inc. and growing shares of Sun Microsystems Inc. Volume of Friday's trade on NYSE has made about 910 million shares, and in the NASDAQ trade system - 1.206 milliard shares. During the trade amount of falling shares 4 times exceeded growing shares amount. December S&P 500 contracts at the Friday's accounts decreased by 33.50 points to 1,256.50 points. Yield of the USA government's 30-year bonds decreased on Friday by 0.06 percentage points to 6.26% p.a. on a background of the investors' shift money from shares to state securities. FTSE 100index decreased on Friday by 2.2%, German DAX - by 0.7%, French CAC 40 - by 1.3%. Today' Euro rate at 9.30 Moscow time made 1.0884 dollar per Euro. Decrease of dollar against to Japanese yen to 105.5 yen per dollar on a background of Dow Jones fall resulted in fall of the shares quotations on Tokyo stock exchange and on the stock exchanges of South-East Asia. On Monday at 9.30 Moscow time Nikkei 225 index decreased by 2.1%. Exchanges' Indexes decreased: Singapore - by 2.9%, Seoul - by 4.4%, Hongkong - by 1.5%, Australia - by 1.9%, Indonesia - by 2.1%. December prices of Brent North Sea Crude Oil on London IPE has grown on Friday by 2.79% to 22.50%. The rate of rouble under the contracts made on the Chicago commodity exchange has not changed on Friday and has made 28.571 rouble per dollar for December, 32.000 - for March 2000, 37.037 - for June 2000 for dollars.