At KASE USD exchange rate has risen due to restored liquidity of the banks

01.10.99 00:00
/IRBIS, Oct.01, 99/ - The next trades in US dollar, Deutsche mark and Euro were held at KASE. 23 banks participated in the trades. Today the trades were opened in the US dollar at 140.70 tenge per unit of the currency. With a minimal trade volume of the trades the sellers boost the dollar exchange rate up to 141.15. But this growth was temporary. Correction brought the dollar back down to 141.00. The dollar resumed its growth from this level, but at less rapid paces, and only in closing phase of the trades it sped up. At 40th minute the dollar exchange rate stopped at 141.35 tenge per unit - maximum mark of the day. At last five minutes an American currency was traded within 141.12-141.30 price range without any explicit trend. The trades were closed at - 141.30/32 tenge per dollar. 227 deals were made in US dollars. Weighted average dollar exchange rate made 141.10 (+0.99). Volume of the session - $14.970 mln (+$5.610 mln). Exchange rate fluctuation during the trade was 0.46%. In IRBIS analysts opinion, resignation of the government did not influence the dealers' behavior today in any way. As far as on Monday the dollar was forecasted to gain its positions back due to freed funds at the beginning of the quarter and receipt of money from state securities redemption. Demand grew up today and could not be fully neutralized by supply. The banks were restoring their net positions, temporarily shortened by short term liquidity problems. Major portion of supply of dollars today came from limited number of participants, who were also buyers on the trade floor. Significant volume of sales of an American currency could not be attributed to exporters' earnings, however this origin of the dollar is most likely, since the banks have quit selling large volumes of currency as far back as 3 PM yesterday. One hour after closing of the trades at over-the-counter market of Kazakhstan dollar was quoted at 141.30/60 tenge per unit of the currency. Two hours later - 141.30/50. 1 deal was made in Deutsche mark at 77.30 (+0.90) tenge per unit. Trade volume - DEM20 (-105) thousand. At closing of the session Deutsche mark was quoted at 77.00/55 tenge per unit of the currency. 2 deals were made in euro. Weighted average exchange rate of euro - 151.78 (+3.15) tenge per unit. Trade volume - EUR600 (+335) thousand. At closing of the session demand for euro made 150.80 tenge per unit of the currency, no offer existed.