20.05.13 11:57
/KASE, May 20, 13/ – In accordance with the letter from the National Bank of the
Republic of Kazakhstan "On Approval of List of Financial Instruments Admissible
for Purchase at the Expense of Pension Assets and Setting Norms Ensuring
Financial Sustainability of Accumulative Pension Funds" of February 25, 2013
# 70 the Committee on Indices and Securities Valuation (Committee) of Kazakhstan
Stock Exchange (KASE) has defined parameters of price corridors to enable
pension asset management companies to calculate maximum allowed purchase or sale
prices of securities in KASE trading system.
The table below shows values of the limits, basis figures (prices or yield),
which are to be used for calculation of absolute values of price corridors and
durations of price corridors defined by May 20, 2013 decision of the Committee.
According to the Committee's mentioned decision:
– the upper limit of securities' purchase price is equal to the upper frontier
of the price corridor indicated in the table; however, for common shares of
JSC "KazTransOil" – not higher than KZT850 per share with the lower limit of
the price being not restricted;
– the lower limit of securities' selling price is equal to the lower frontier of
the price corridor indicated in the table; however for common shares of JSC
"KazTransOil" – not lower than KZT750 per share with the upper limit of the
price being not restricted.
Frontier Basic amount
of price (price or yield) for
corridor (of calculation of Validity
Type (title) basic absolute value of price
of securities amount) of price corridor corridor
- ---------------------- ------------ --------------------- -------------
common shares of +/-0.37 % closing price of May 20, 2013–
KazTransOil preceding trading day May 26, 2013
common shares of +/-1.56 % closing price of May 20, 2013–
Kazakhtelecom preceding trading day May 26, 2013
preferred shares of +/-1.53 % closing price of May 20, 2013–
Kazakhtelecom preceding trading day May 26, 2013
common shares of +/-0.91 % closing price of May 20, 2013–
KazMunaiGas preceding trading day May 26, 2013
Exploration Production
Debt securities whose quotation subject is
"net" price +/-1.5 % market "net" price May 20, 2013–
as of March 26, 2013 May 26, 2013
"dirty" price +/-2.5 % market "dirty" price May 20, 2013–
as of March 26, 2013 May 26, 2013
- ---------------------- ------------ --------------------- -------------
Notes of National Bank +/-0.07 pp yield at market price May 20, 2013–
as of May 20, 2013 May 26, 2013
MEKKAM +/-0.07 pp yield at market price May 20, 2013–
as of May 20, 2013 May 26, 2013
MEOKAM (< 366 days +/-0.07 pp yield at market price May 20, 2013–
to redemption) as of May 20, 2013 May 26, 2013
MEUKAM (< 366 days +/-0.07 pp yield at market price May 20, 2013–
to redemption) as of May 20, 2013 May 26, 2013
MEOKAM +/-0.07 pp yield at market price May 20, 2013–
(> 366 and < 1825 days as of May 20, 2013 May 26, 2013
to redemption)
MEUKAM +/-0.07 pp yield at market price May 20, 2013–
(> 366 and < 1825 days as of May 20, 2013 May 26, 2013
to redemption)
MEOKAM (> 1825 days +/-0.09 pp yield at market price May 20, 2013–
to redemption) as of May 20, 2013 May 26, 2013
MEUKAM (> 1825 days +/-0.09 pp yield at market price May 20, 2013–
to redemption) as of May 20, 2013 May 26, 2013
MEUJKAM +/-0.22 % market "dirty" price May 20, 2013–
as of May 20, 2013 May 26, 2013
MUIKAM +/-0.22 % market "dirty" price May 20, 2013–
as of May 20, 2013 May 26, 2013
Notes to table: market price means the price obtained by the exchange as a
result of market
valuation in accordance with the Methodology of Securities Valuation; pp –
percentage points.
The value parameters of frontiers of corridors for shares and GS are revised by
the Committee weekly as of the beginning of a working day of each calendar
week. On corporate bonds the mentioned values of frontiers of corridors will be
used until the Committee next meeting.