The license of "PETROKAZ CAPITAL" has been suspended

29.09.99 00:00
/IRBIS, Sep.29, 99/ - By the resolution of the National Securities Commission of Kazakhstan #437 dated September 27, 1999, the license #20030126, given to LLC "PETROKAZ CAPITAL" on October 29, 1997, to engage in brokerage and dealing activities in the stock market with the right to handle clients' accounts as a nominal holder has been suspended for one month. The decision has been made due to a violation committed by LLC "PETROKAZ CAPITAL" of point 34 of the regulations on licensing brokerage and dealing activities in the stock market, adopted by the resolution #293 of the government of Kazakhstan dated March 4, 1997, and also due to nonobservance of the requirements, established by the subpoint 1 of the point 4 of the instructions on calculation methods and employing criteria (norms) of financial stability for the organizations conducting brokerage and dealing activities in the stock market, adopted by the resolution #17 of the National Securities Commission of Kazakhstan dated November 25, 1998, on the basis of the point 3 of the article 26 of Kazakhstan law "On the stock market" dated March 5, 1997.