National Company KazMunaiGas (Kazakhstan) acquires 100 % shares of N Block BV Company
30.01.13 17:19
/KASE, January 30, 13/ - National Company KazMunaiGas (Astana), bonds of
which are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), provided
to KASE the following press release of January 30, 2013:
On January 25, 2013, between National Company KazMunaiGas (KMG) and and
ConocoPhillips Petroleum Holdings B.V. (COF) was competed the deal on
acquisition of 100% shares of N Block BV Company.
As a result of this deal KMG becomes the owner of 75.5% of subsoil use
rights in the N Project and 75.5% stake in LLP N Operating Company.
According to the signed contract for subsoil use rights in the N Project
the Project participants are KMG - 75.5% and Oil & Gas N Block Kazakhstan
Gmbh - 24.5%.
The increase of KMG stake in the N Project demonstrates steps towards
strengthening of the National Company in marine geological exploration
projects in Kazakhstan sector of Caspian Sea.
The N Project is being implemented in compliance with the Agreement on
Products Sharing of December 29, 2007 #2546, transformed on May 29, 2009
into the Contract on Exploration and Production of Hydrocarbon Raw Product
on the "N" area and additions to it. On the structure of Shelly-Sea was
implemented the transfer to evaluation activities. Based on result of
geological explorations on Nursultan structure was sent the notice to
Kazakhstan Ministry of Oil and Gas on potential discovery of hydrocarbons.
LLP N Operating Company - the created company-operator to implement
the N Project (Participants KMG - 75.5% and Oil & Gas N Block Kazakhstan
Gmbh - 24.5%.)
Press Service
National Company KazMunaiGas
Republic of Kazakhstan, 010000, Astana, 19, Kabanbai batyr Ave.
tel. +7 (7172) 976277