Complete results of placement of notes-07 #335

13.09.99 00:00
/IRBIS, Sep.13, 99/ - On September 10 the National Bank of Kazakhstan held 335th auction on placement of notes with par value of 100 tenge. Circulation time - 35 days. Announced volume of the issue is determined by the emitter at 200 million tenge. Size of satisfaction of noncompetitive applications is 60%. The auction was held with additional placement carried out during the day. Following is the complete placement data. Comparison to the parameters of previous tranche is meaningless, since last time notes were placed one and a half month ago when the financial market conjuncture was different. Type of the securities Notes-07 NSIN KZ87K1709996 KASE trade code NTK335.007 IRBIS registration number 335/N Nominal value, tenge 100.00 Issuance date Sep.10, 99 Circulation start date Sep.10, 99 Maturity date Sep.17, 99 Days in circulation 7 Demand, mln tenge 411.9 Weighted average yield on demand, % APR 16.17 Planned volume, mln tenge 200.0 Actual volume, mln tenge 206.7 Cut-off price, % of nominal 99.71 Weighted average price, % of nominal 99.71 Maximum yield, % APR 15.12 Weighted average yield, % APR 15.12 Effective weighted average yield, % APR 16.03 Demand has decreased even for the most popular securities of the National Bank. Yield offered by the emitter can not be compared to current trend of tenge devaluation against dollar, and therefore, minimal amount of banks' money can be expected at the auction. Aggregate weekly demand for notes has decreased 3 times despite of only two placements of notes held last week, and three this week. On Monday the situation on the currency market began to stabilize. Spreads are getting narrow, and tenge is quite stable in the afternoon. If the stabilization continues, there is a hope that interest in state securities of the National Bank will be restored. Consequently, slightly grown yields of the securities will be back on previous level. The National Bank ended the thirty seventh week on primary market for notes with following results. With planed volume of placement 600.0 mln tenge the emitter attracted 740.1 mln tenge, whereas actual volume of redemption has made 2,134.6 mln tenge.