FSC NBK registers fact of non-placement of Bayan Sulu (Kazakhstan) shares from April 3 to October 2, 2012

24.10.12 16:21
/KASE, October 24, 12/ - JSC "Bayan Sulu" (Kostanai), whose shares are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has provided KASE with a copy of a letter from the Committee on Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Organizations of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (FSC NBK) dated October 15, 2012 saying that FSC NBK "takes note of the fact that from April 3 to October 2, 2012 no shares of joint-stock company "Bayan Sulu" were placed". According to FSC NBK, as of October 2, 2012 55,340,000 common shares of JSC "Bayan Sulu" remained unplaced. [2012-10-24]