Additions made to agenda of special general meeting of Kazakhtelecom (Kazakhstan) shareholders scheduled for June 22, 2012

01.06.12 15:28
/KASE, June 1, 12/ - JSC "Kazakhtelecom" (Astana, hereinafter - the company), whose securities are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has informed KASE of making additions to the agenda of the special general meeting of its shareholders scheduled for June 22, 2012 at 15:00 o'clock. The said meeting's agenda after additions is as follows: - on appointing LLP "Ernst & Young" the auditing firm for audit of the company's Y2012 financial statements; - on payment of extra remuneration to independent directors of the company based on Y2011 performance; - making changes in the Policy of remuneration of independent members of the Company's Board of Directors; - on making changes in the Regulations on the Company's Board of Directors. The said meeting will take place at 31 Abai ave., conference hall, Astana. Registration of participants will be made from 13:00 to 14:30 o'clock. The list of shareholders entitled to participating has been drawn up as of May 22, 2012. In case of quorum absence a repeated shareholders' meeting will be held on July 9, 2012 at the above time and address. The agenda materials are available for shareholders not later than ten days before the meeting date at: 31 Abai ave., Astana, tel.: (717) 258 77 13; 240b Furmanov str., Almaty, tel.: (727) 258 74 67. [2012-06-01]