Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan notifies on buying back part of preferred shares KZ1P33870117 (KZ000A0LE0R6, HSBKp) and KZ1P33870216 (KZ1P00000244, HSBKp1) off its shareholders both on organized and unorganized markets

29.11.11 12:19
/KASE, November 29, 11/ - JSC "Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan" (Almaty), whose securities are officially listed at Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has provided KASE with the following communique: quote Herewith the joint-stock company "Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan" (hereinafter - the Bank) (109"В" Abai ave, Almaty 050008) announces buying back from an unlimited number of the Bank's shareholders part of the Bank's outstanding preferred shares and preferred shares convertible into common shares of the Bank (certificate of state registration of securities issue # А3387 dated August 25, 2010 issued by the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Organizations) on the following terms: 1. Type of shares bought back: preferred shares of the Bank (NIN KZ1P33870117) and preferred shares convertible into common shares of the Bank (NIN KZ1P33870216) (hereinafter jointly referred to as "Shares"). 2. Number of Shares being bought back: not more than 25% of the total number of the Bank's outstanding shares, with expenses on buying back the Bank's Shares not exceeding KZT20,000,000,000 (twenty billion) tenge. 3. Buyback price per preferred share of the Bank and preferred share convertible into common shares of the Bank, - KZT145 (one hundred forty five). 4. Time for buyback of the Shares: within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the moment of publication in mass-media of the Bank's announcement on Shares buyback. 5. Shares buyback terms: Shares will be bought back on the organized market by way of conducting special trading sessions on the trading floor of JSC Kazakhstan Stock Exchange according to internal documents of the trading organizer, as well as on the unorganized market by way of subscription in accordance with internal documents of the Bank and legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The advisor on Shares buyback is JSC "Halyk Finance". Information on the date of conducting special trading sessions for Shares buyback will be placed on the website of JSC "Kazakhstan Stock Exchange" (www.kase.kz). The form of the shares buyback order is available on the Bank's corporate website (www.halykbank.kz). Contact persons: Farkhad Okhonov, Head of Department for Financial Advice and Underwriting of JSC "Halyk Finance" +7 (727) 330 01 52 Anna Borodovitsyna, Director of Department for Capital Management of the group JSC "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan" +7 (727) 330 10 91 Ilmira Razumova, Head of Division of Department for Capital Management of the group JSC "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan" +7 (727) 259 05 99 unquote [2011-11-29]