Tsesnabank JCS acquired a status of Principal participant of VISA International payment system

10.11.11 17:26
/IRBIS, November 10, 2011/ - October 24, 2011 the international payment system VISA International adopted a positive decision on the recognition of JSC "Tsesnabank" as a principal participant (Principal Member), reports the press service of JSC "Tsesnabank". As noted, this status is given only when achieving certain financial results and enables banks to work directly with the international payment system VISA, expand its product line and provide cardholders new services in conjunction with a flexible tariff policy. In the future it is possible to develop trade and internet acquiring. Indicated that an additional principal member status will allow JSC "Tsesnabank" to act like a sponsor bank in the payment system and provide processing services to other banks. "Thus, on the eve of its 20 th anniversary, Tsesnabank goes to the level of direct interaction with VISA, which allows it to compete with the major banks of the RK", - stated in the message. "We know and appreciate the professionalism of your team, which with its daily work contributes to the successful development of the banking business and purposefully increase the Bank's role in Kazakhstan", - said the Regional Manager for VISA CIS Alexander Kalita, whose words are reported. "Now the possibilities for the development of TSB card services have become much wider. The new status will allow us to improve customer service, increase the efficiency of the implementation of card programs and the effectiveness of the card business as a whole. I note that the status of a Principal member of VISA International - is a significant achievement of TSB, which is not only a result of the success of our experts, but also confirms the stability and strong growth in TSB", said the Chairman of the Board of JSC "Tsesnabank" Dauren Zhaksybek. JSC "Tsesnabank" is an associate member of the international payment system VISA International since 2004. In 2009, Tsesnabank certifies its own processing center. As of November 1, 2011 the Bank issued about 200,000 payment cards. TSB has more than 400 ATMs and POS-terminals. [2011-11-10]