In Kazakhstan registration of individual enterprise will be available via without the necessity of visiting taxation bodies

18.10.11 15:45
/IRBIS, October 18, 2011/ - In Kazakhstan, the possibility of registering individual enterprise via without the need of going to the tax authorities will be provided, said at his page on Twitter Chairman of the Tax Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan Daulet Yergozhin. "Together with the ISI we will soon give the opportunity to register individual enterprise via without the need of going to the tax authorities", - he said. Also the head of the Tax Committee said that in 2012 the patent can be formalized through without the need to appear for the tax authorities. "Proposal of Tax Committee, IE (not VAT payer) to eliminate on the basis of off-site control, without a tax audit", - said D. Yergozhin. [2011-10-18]