The stockholders of "Capital Hotels" JCS (Kazakhstan) decided to carry out the additional issue of shares amounting to 805.0 million

27.07.11 15:52
/IRBIS, July 27, 2011/ - "Capital Hotels" JCS (Almaty, hereinafter - Company), whose stocks are officially listed at KASE, has provided KASE with the copy of minutes of annual extraordinary meeting of the stockholders from June 24, 2011. According to the given document, the stockholders have decided the following: - to issue shares in the total number of 805 million shares, including common shares - 555 million, preference shares - 250 million. Number of shares will amount to 1 billion units, of which common shares - 750 million shares, preference shares - 250 million; - to determine the size of the guaranteed dividend per preference share of 0.0009% from monthly calculated index, established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the corresponding year; - to register changes in the share issue prospectus; - to approve the amendments to the charter company. [2011-07-27]