"Temirbank" JCS was given the status of principial participant of Visa International

01.06.11 18:42
/IRBIS, June 1, 2011/ - Temirbank was given the status of principal member of international payment system Visa International, said today's press-service of the bank. "On May 23, 2011 at a meeting held in London, the international payment system VISA International on the analysis of financial statements for the year 2010, adopted a positive decision on the recognition of Temirbank as a principal member" - was stated in the message. "Getting the status of principal member of VISA International is not only a result of the success of the Bank's specialists in this field, but also confirmed the stability and steady growth of Temirbank" - says the director of the Department of the card business and electronic banking Temirbank Eldar Ablullin. It was noted that to date Temirbank released more than 250 thousand cards. Temirbank is an associate member of international payment system VISA International since May 2002, and since June 2008, it has the status of principal member of the International payment system MasterCard International. [2011-06-01]