Forecasts and recommendations of analysts of IFH RESMI (Kazakhstan) for February 22, 2011

22.02.11 17:09
/IRBIS, February 22, 2011/ - Finance & Investment House RESMI JSC (Almaty, IFH RESMI) provided IRBIS overview of major events and their investment ideas and projections for February 22, 2011. Analysts of IFH RESMI give attention to the following to the important events in the markets: - At the end of trading on Monday, February 18, KASE index increased by 0.1% - to 1,837.76 points. In the secondary market of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange volume of transactions in shares decreased by 40.9 million KZT (or $ 279.4 thousand). A total of 52 signed deals with shares worth 115.9 million KZT, or $ 792.9 thousand transactions, showed an increase on the previous trading day, stocks began KazakhTelecom and Bank CenterCredit, 1.3% and 0.1% respectively. Leaders were once again falling stock prices Halyk (-0.8%). Far from it are gone and the paper Kazakhmys (-0.6%). Stock quotes of other issuers belonging to the representative list of KASE, have not changed. - Trading in shares in Europe on Monday, 21 February, a decrease in the leading index closed down. The reason for this deterioration has become the political situation in Libya and other countries of North Africa and the Middle East. This in turn led to concerns about rising prices for raw materials. Transaction volumes were reduced because of the weekend in the U.S. Thus, the German DAX fell 1.41% - up to the mark of 7 321.81 points, Britain's FTSE 100 fell 1.12% - up to 6 014.8 points. Stronger than other stocks hit the banking sector. Today is the opening of trading analytics of IFD "RESMI" predicts in the area of "growth" the worlds leading index and increase in trading volumes on world stock markets. Impact on markets will be expected to provide to the publication of U.S. macroeconomic news, and corporate news. So, today is expected to yield a number of reporting companies Hewlett-Packard, Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Home Depot Inc, Macy's Inc, and Medtronic Inc. - Trading on the commodity markets was mostly positive. Grid precious metals closed higher: The largest growth was silver (5.04%). Changes in the price of gold, platinum and palladium were 1.18%, 0.61% and 1.28% respectively. Industrial metals also traded in the Green Zone. "Thus, the greatest increase in price indices scored yesterday's "outsider" Nickel, adding the price of 2.63%. Brent crude has risen substantially against the background of the unfavorable political situation in the North African region (5.1%) to 106.3 U.S. dollars per barrel. Agricultural products are lowered closed. Thus, sugar and corn fell 0.77% and 0.42%, and wheat and cotton on 3.35% and 3.43% respectively. Analysts of IFH RESMI give the following advice for investors in securities of issuers in Kazakhstan: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issuer Last price Predicted price* Up/down from Target RSI. Current price price** %*** ------------------ ---------- ---------------- ------------- ------- ---- Kazkommertsbak 583 On Review 490 57 Halyk bank 392 519 32% 456 46 Bank Center Credit 658 On Review 921 62 RD KMG 19,000 On Review 23,824 51 Kazkhtelekom 19,950 On Review 25,839 59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fundamental evaluation IFH RESMI for 12 months (weekly review) ** Target according to the consensus forecast of analysts surveyed by Bloomberg *** Relative strength index - an indicator of technical analysis. determines strength of trend and likelihood of change. Overbought/oversold - when RSI indicator value is closer to 100%/0%. - Cost of common shares Kazkommertsbank assessment IFD "RESMI" will cost no less than KZT796 per share by the end of 2010; - Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan is estimated IFD "RESMI" as the most promising in terms of business development financial institution in Kazakhstan. Analysts see the growth of the bank's shares up to KZT409 per share; - Shares of Bank CenterCredit in the long term analysts IFD "RESMI" about the outlook for growth in securities of the bank to the level of 1.230 m.; - Stocks of Kazakhtelecom are looking most attractive for investment in the long term. Analysts IFD "RESMI" recommend buying simple shareholders of the issuer. - The updated target price of shares of JSC Exploration Production KMG is KZT24.895 per share. The given material has exclusively information character and is not the offer or recommendation to make any transactions with the stocks. Agency Irbis doesn't take responsibility for the opinions which are in given material. [2011-02-22]