S&P upgrades GAMMA corporate governance rating for Kazakhtelecom (Kazakhstan) to GAMMA-5+
12.01.11 11:34
/Standard & Poor's, Moscow, January 11, 11, KASE headline/ - Standard & Poor's
Governance Services said it has raised its governance, accountability,
management, metrics and analysis (GAMMA) score on JSC Kazakhtelecom
(Kazakhtelecom) to GAMMA-5+ from GAMMA-5, primarily due to improvements
in the board process. The largest telecommunications operator in Kazakhstan,
Kazakhtelecom's major shareholder is the Samruk-Kazyna National Welfare
Fund of Kazakhstan, which currently holds a stake of 51%.
"The raising of the GAMMA score reflects significant improvements in the board
process in 2010. Board procedures took more of a regular format; for instance,
formal face-to-face board meetings became the norm, instead of the earlier
practice of holding informal meetings between some of the board members and
executives. In 2010 the board held six face-to-face meetings as compared with
two in 2009, both of which were convened at the end of the year. Also, in 2010
the ratio of independent directors sitting on the board increased. Additionally,
the company continually strives to improve risk management and strategic
planning processes," said Standard & Poor's governance analyst Elena
Pastoukhova. "Nevertheless, incomplete disclosure of beneficial ownership, the
supermajority requirement in terms of board decisions and the timing of annual
shareholder meetings continue to constrain the GAMMA score".
The overall GAMMA score of Kazakhtelecom is the result of four component
scores ranging from 1 (low) to 10 (high).
- Shareholder influence - 5+;
- Shareholder rights - 5+;
- Transparency, audit and ERM - 6;
- Board effectiveness, strategic process and incentives - 5 (raised from 4+).
The strengths of corporate governance practices at Kazakhtelecom
- Minority shareholders enjoy a broad measure of voting rights under
Kazakh law and Kazakhtelecom's Charter, and in this case are
represented on the board by two directors who are actively involved in
management oversight;
- The board composition is balanced and has substantial authority. A
majority of board members are external directors, independent of Samruk-
Kazyna. The board process is supported by three board committees, two
of which are fully independent;
- Shareholder meeting procedures are strong overall. Annual IFRS
financials are available before the AGM;
- Financial disclosure is generally good in our view. Annual and quarterly
IFRS financial statements are available. The audit committee is chaired by
an audit expert and is fairly active;
- All elements of a holistic risk management system are in place and the
strategic process has several strengths.
Standard & Poor's analysis, however, identified several weaknesses in the
company's governance system, including:
- All board resolutions must be supported by a supermajority of at least
seven votes out of nine. Although we view current relations between
shareholders as fairly constructive, the supermajority arrangement could in
our opinion become a major impediment to the board functioning should
this change;
- The influence of the majority shareholder has been controversial at times,
such as in the case of executive compensation policies. The government
of Kazakhstan maintains a cap on compensation that applies to executives
of the largest state-owned (national) companies, including Kazakhtelecom.
There may be other areas related to the social role of telecoms services
where the government as a shareholder may be exposed to conflicts of
- AGMs were delayed in 2009 and 2010, i.e. the timing of the meetings was
outside the period set by both the Company Law of Kazakhstan and the
company's charter. In 2009 the delay resulted in a significantly protracted
dividend pay-out period ending in December, although this was not the
case in 2010;
- There are several weaknesses in disclosure, primarily with respect to
beneficial ownership and executive compensation practices. The investor
relations function is only now being developed.
The report is available on Standard & Poor's web site at
www.governance.standardandpoors.com and on the Russian-language web site
www.standardandpoors.ru. Information on Corporate Governance Scores and
GAMMA scores is available at www.governance.standardandpoors.com.
Alternatively, call one of the following Standard & Poor's numbers:
Moscow (7) 495-783-4000/40.
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Analyst contacts:
Oleg Shvyrkov, Moscow, 7 495 783 40 45
Elena Pastoukhova, Moscow, 7 495 783 40 94
Marc Eiger, New York, 1 212 438 12 80