EP KMG buys back its 456,148 preferred shares KZ1P51460114 (RDGZp) at KZT17,980.93 per share on July 1-30

30.07.10 17:45
/KASE, July 30, 10/ - Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) informed the fourth special trade was held in the period July 1- 30, 2010 in the KASE trading system for acquisition of preferred shares KZ1P51460114 (KASE, third category, RDGZp) of Exploration Production KazMunaiGas (Astana). VISOR Capital was an authorized buyer at the trade. The total of authorized and outstanding shares of EP KMG is 4,136,107 shares. The buyer is intending to buy up to 100 % of the total number. 40 KASE members were trading at the trade, submitting 434 orders, of which 374 remained active for sale of 420,245 preferred shares. Ask reached 11.4 % оf the volume announced for purchase. Brokerage and dealer companies submitted 22.5 % orders with their clients submitting 77.5 % orders. The buyer set the striking price at KZT17,980.93 per share and confirmed its intent to accept 337 orders for sale of 456,148 shares. In case of successful settlement the transaction value will reach KZT8,201,965,257.64 (USD55,535,007.49). The trades will be settled August 4, 2010 (at settlement scheme Т+3). On March 9 the buyer accepted 46 orders for sale of 122,733 preferred shares at KZT21,060.52 per share. The transaction amount reached KZT2,584,820,801.16 (USD17,561,116.93). On March 10 the buyer accepted 30 orders for sale of 92,771 preferred shares at KZT21,180.06 per share. The transaction amount reached KZT1,964,895,346.26 (UDS13,340,317.38). At the third trade held March 11 - April 9 the buyer accepted 67 orders for sale of 65,224 preferred shares at KZT21,988.89 per share. The transaction amount reached KZT1,434,203,361.36 тенге (USD9,770,443.23). By third trades results on April 30 - May 28 the buyer accepted 20 orders for sale 26,384 preferred shares at KZT17,093.43 per share. The transaction amount reached KZT450,993,057.12 (USD3,078,450.90). Bu five trades results (March 9, March 10, March 11 - April 9, April 30- May 28, July 1 - 30) the total of preferred shares is 763,260 units. The trades are a part of the EP KMG preferred share buy back program. EP KMG approved the preferred share buy back program, to be implemented through successive thirty day trades on KASE in accordance with the current exchange rules. The program will be completed before December 31, 2011. The full text of the respective press release of EP KMG is available at http://www.kase.kz/en/news/show/1097009 Details on the share issue are available at the KASE website at http://www.kase.kz/en/shares/show/RDGZp [2010-07-30]