Overview of key developments from analysts of "Asyl Invest'' JSC (Kazakhstan) on April 13, 2010

13.04.10 18:19
/IRBIS April 13, 2010/ - "ASYL INVEST''JSC (Almaty) provided IRBIS overview of major events and of their investment ideas and forecasts on April 13, 2010. Analysts of "ASYL INVEST" JSC identify the following significant developments in the markets: - Centerra Gold Inc (ticker: CG) and Kentor Gold (ticker: KGL): tensions in the political situation in Kyrgyzstan is increasing. Ousted President K. Bakiyev threatened to major bloodshed if the interim government will attempt to arrest him. "Let them try to capture, let them try to destroy ... That, I think it would be so much blood that no one can justify," - he told to Russian reporters. The President left the capital, and encourages his supporters to unite and go to meetings. Mr. K. Bakiyev left the capital and gathered several thousand supporters in the village of Tahiti. The opposition took power in the country after the riots, where killed 80 people, and calls upon President Bakiev to leave the country. Analysts of "ASYL INVEST" JSC note that the news is negative for the stock price Centerra Gold Inc and Kentor Gold. Political and risks are high - the possibility of destabilization of the situation and the risks of civil country. Shares of these companies are under pressure, and we do not rule out further reductions. In yesterday's trading Centerra Gold Inc shares lost another 2.36%, shares Kentor Gold - 3%. In addition, analysts of "ASYL INVEST" JSC note that: - ATF Bank paid the coupon on the international bond ATFBe3; - Temir Leasing paid the coupon TMLZb1; - Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan will post MEKKAM-12 production 106, with maturity of 1 year; - MREK paid coupon MREKb6; - FSA has suspended the allocation of bonds Kazakhstan Kagazy (KKAGb4); - Unemployment in Kazakhstan in March fell by 0.4%; - Industrial production in the first quarter in Kazakhstan increased by 11.5% - Kazakhstan in the first quarter increased production of oil and gas condensate production by 8.8%; - Kazakhstan in the first quarter copper production increased by 1.1%; - Electricity production in Kazakhstan in the first quarter increased by 9.2%. This material is for informational purposes and is not an offer or recommendation to perform any transaction in securities. Agency IRBIS is not responsible for the opinions expressed in this material. [2010-04-13]