Centras Securities to make market on bonds KZ2C0Y10D695 (SKENb1) of SevKazEnergo (Kazakhstan)
31.03.10 15:16
/KASE, March 31,10/ - The Board of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) on
March 30, 2010 assigned Centras Securities (Almaty) on its request with a
market maker status on bonds KZ2C0Y10D695 (KASE, Rated debt securities,
SKENb1; KZT100, KZT8.0 bn; 10.01.10 - 10.01.20, semiannual coupon 12.50 %
APR; 30/360) of SevKazEnergo (Petropavlovsk).
The minimum mandatory quotes is 28,300 bonds.