Investment ideas by ASYL INVEST JSC (Kazakhstan) analysts' on January 27, 2010

27.01.10 12:00
/IRBIS, January 27, 2010/ - ASYL INVEST JSC (Almaty) provided an overview of major events and their investment ideas and forecast to IRBIS on January 27, 2010. According to the massage the analysts of ASYL INVEST expected at international stock markets: - Tendency before the today's auctions remains moderately negative. Gamble that crediting in China will decrease continue to render pressure upon the markets. The Chinese banks have already started to reduce delivery of new loans in reply to possible increase of reserve requirements by the government. The European share indexes have slightly grown yesterday. In the USA share indexes showed growth in a current of day, however by the end of session investors actively closed positions on the threshold of session FRS today. - Today the reporting for fourth quarter 2009 Canon, Caterpillar, Vedanta Resources, Blackrock, Abbot Laboratories, SAP AG, Symantec, Boeing, ConocoPhillips will be published. - Among the published macroeconomic data it is necessary to allocate the data about a habitation sales volume in the primary market of the USA for December. Indicator growth is expected. The department of power of the USA will publish the data on commercial stocks of oil, growth of stocks is expected. Session FRS and the decision under the key interest rate will be the central event of day at the auctions in the USA. Today also begins work an economic forum in Davos. - The Asian indexes show now minor alteration from 0.5 % to +0.5 %. The nearest futures for oil of mark Brent bargain hardly above 73$/barr., marks WTI nearby 74.6$/barr. Gold bargains a little above level in 1100$/tr.unts., silver - 16.9$/tr.unts., copper - 3.34$ / pound. Futures for the American indexes show now growth within 0.2 %. Course EUR/USD - 1.4080, GBP/USD - 1.6135. - Today analysts of JSC ASYL INVEST expect that uncertainty in the markets to remain. The outcome of the auctions in the USA will depend on decisions and statements at session FRS the USA. The auctions in Europe, most likely, will be different directions. - Tendency before opening of the auctions at the Kazakhstan stock exchange also remains moderately negative. Analysts of JSC ASYL INVEST make following recommendations to investors on share papers of JSC RazvedkaDobuchaKazMunaiGaz (LSE:KMG, KASE:RDGZ): yesterday the company declared industrial results for 2009. The company (taking into account shares in Kazgermunaj and CCEL) in 2009 extracted 11.497 million tons of oil that on 3.8 % it is less, than in 2008 and on 1.15 % there is less than planned target. On the basic actives it has been extracted 8.962 million tons that on 5.4 % more low, than in 2008 and on 2.0 % below a planned target. The emitter explains extraction decrease on the basic actives heavy weather conditions in 1st quarter 2009 and faults in power supply in 1st and 3 quarters. According to preliminary data the companies, in 2009 of RD КМГ without companies KazGerMunai and CCEL realized 8.966 million tons of oil, including for export, 6,946 million tons. In the light of weaker industrial indicators in 2009 and lowers the target price to $30.9/GDR (about 27 500 tenges for the action), the recommendation it is necessary to Buy increases in capital expenses of JSC ASYL INVEST without changes. During the yesterday's auctions, depositary company receipts decreased in the price to level of $25.8 and were closed on a mark of $26.10, having decreased for a day hardly more than on 1 %. Current trading recommendations of JSC ASYL INVEST about company papers remain without changes: to buy (to average positions) at level of $25 (22 200 tenges) to sell (partially to fix profit) at level of $28 (25 000 tenges). Opening positions one prize (without possibility of averaging and position escalating), it is recommended to establish relatives stopp-losy. In the debt market of analytics of JSC ASYL INVEST recommend to investors less tolerant to risk, to pay attention to coupon bonds KZ2C0Y02D601 JSC АТFBank (ATFBb7, Profitableness - 9.24 %%, the dirty price - 998.2222, the pure price - 98.0000 % from face value, the current coupon rate - 8 %, on inflation, repayment date - 04.11.11). Analysts of JSC ASYL INVEST consider attractive parameters of bonds, proceeding from a good position of bank and concerning low risks of insolvency of the emitter. Also the rise in prices of the given bonds in immediate prospects as they bargain at attractive levels of profitableness, taking into account a good rating of the given release (BBB) and the attractive coupon rate (minute value of 8 %, maximum is not excluded, value of 13 %). According to the financial reporting of bank for October, 01st, 2009, accounts and contributions of clients increased more than twice from the beginning of year. So high growth of deposits is connected with financial stability of Bank. In the financial reporting of the emitter also it is possible to notice improvement of indicators of profitability of bank and optimization of expenses. Trading recommendations of JSC ASYL INVEST: to buy at profitableness of 9.5 % and to sell at profitableness of 7.5 %, or to hold before repayment. The given material has exclusively information character and is not the offer or the recommendation to make any transactions with the stocks. Agency "Irbis" doesn't take responsibility for the opinions which are in given material. [2010-01-27]