Investment ideas by ASYL INVEST JSC (Kazakhstan) analysts' on November 3, 2009

03.11.09 19:50
/IRBIS, November 3, 09/ - ASYL INVEST JSC (Almaty) provided an overview of major events and their investment ideas and forecast to IRBIS on November 3, 2009. According to the massage the analysts of ASYL INVEST expected at international stock markets: - sentiment on the markets before today's trading develops moderately positive. Asian indices show differently directed dynamic futures for U.S. indices show weak growth in response to good economic data; - futures on oil, industrial and precious metals show positive dynamics, continuing to rise, given yesterday's auction on world stock markets; - now expected to be published financial statements of companies UBS, MasterCard, Sun Microsystems, BMW; - In addition to corporate reporting, the impact on the course of trading today may have some macroeconomic data. In the U.S. there are data on industrial orders for September, in the UK there are data index of business activity in the construction sector PMI in October, the projected growth of both indices; - also has become known today that the National Bank of Australia to raise rates on loans by a quarter per cent to 3,5% per annum, which is designed to slow inflation, and also spoke of a gradual economic recovery; - the opening of trading in Europe today, analysts ASYL INVEST expect moderate growth in equity markets, supported by higher quotations on commodity markets and positive expectations for economic statistics. - In anticipation of the Fed meeting, U.S. analysts ASYL INVEST do not expect strong changes in the value of the shares. To date, the stock market develops uncertain situation because of the content and tone of the report, the U.S. Federal Reserve will substantially depend on further progress in global stock markets. Information on the nearest possible tightening of monetary policy could exert pressure on risky assets, leading to a reduction in equity markets. In turn, the preservation of monetary policy at current levels could mean for the markets that the real improvement in the U.S. economy does not occur, and the recession is far from complete, which again weaken the position of riskier assets and pull down markets. - Against this background, analysts ASYL INVEST recommend investors maintain current positions and not take any hasty action. On the debt market analysts of ASYL INVEST recommend that investors pay attention to the coupon bonds of Mangistau Electricity Distribution Company: KZPC4Y05B661 (MREKb5, yield - 16% (last), coupon rate - 16%, the repayment period: 12.02.2013 -- 25.02.2013, Fitch Ratings: BB + (05.06.09)) and KZP05Y05B662 (MREKb6, yield - 16% (last), coupon rate - 16%, repayment period: 30.03.2014 - 11.04.2014, Fitch Ratings: BB + ( 05.06.09)). Analysts estimate the parameters of a positive bond. In particular, analysts of ASYL INVEST considered sufficiently attractive levels of coupon rates and bond yields, given the low risk of insolvency and a good financial condition of the issuer. Company is financially independent from the loan funds, as the bulk of assets of the company is financed by own funds, the rate Debt / Assets is 0.47. Level profitability of the company are also sufficiently high level of profitability sales demonstrates the dynamics of growth, having increased from 7% to 11%. Net income for the first half of this year increased by 86%, it's compared with the same period last year and amounted to KTZ 230 million. As a result of yesterday's trading day of the levels of bond yields MREKb5 and MREKb6 increased by 4.5% and 6% respectively. The given material has exclusively information character and is not the offer or the recommendation to make any transactions with the stocks. Agency Irbis doesn't take responsibility for the opinions which are in given material. [2009-11-03]