/KASE, October 21, 09/ - ORDABASY Corporation (Almaty), securities of which
are present in Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) official list, in response to
KASE request provided the following letter of October 20, 2009 # 504/07:
quotation start
Hereby, ORDABASY Corporation informs that by resolution of Civil affairs board
of Almaty Regional Specialized Inter-district Economic Court of July 29, 2009
#2a-3051 on the claim of accumulative pension fund BTA Kazakhstan subsidiary
of BTA Bank to ORDABASY Corporation the decision of Specialized Inter-district
Economic Court on dividends and penalties payment and reimbursement of costs
was nit changed and the appeal of ORDABASY Corporation without satisfaction.
ORDABASY Corporation fulfilled the court decision and fully repaid the debt of
unpaid dividends, a penalty for dividends payment delay and reimbursed costs.
quotation end
Previously KASE published the news of July 27, 2009 "Almaty SIEC partially
satisfied the claim of accumulative pension fund BTA Kazakhstan subsidiary of
BTA Bank to ORDABASY Corporation on dividends payment on preferred shares
KZ1P48710118 (ORDBp) for 2006-2007" -