Global stock indices after trades on April 23, 2009

24.04.09 16:40
/IRBIS, Renat Temirbekov, April 24, 09/ - The value of global stock indices after trades on April 23, 2009: --------------------------------------------------------- Trend (in %) for -------------------- since 23.04.09 a day a month 2009 Historic maximum* --------- -------- ----- ------- ------ ----------------- DJIA 7,957.06 +0.89 +3.88 -11.93 13,727.03 S&P 500 851.92 +0.99 +5.68 -8.57 1,565.15 Nasdaq 1,652.21 +0.37 +8.95 +4.77 5,048.62 FTSE-100 4,538.21 -1.22 +8.38 -5.65 6,930.20 DAX 4,018.23 -0.31 +2.73 -11.92 8,105.69 CAC 40 3,008.62 -0.55 +4.67 -10.18 6,922.33 Nikkei225 8,847.01 +1.37 +4.23 -0.14 38,916.00 RTSI 820.70 +4.53 +13.73 +29.88 2,487.92 --------------------------------------------------------- *historic maximum for the whole history of index calculation The USA market indices turned out to be under the optimistic corporate news influence on one hand and rather uneasy macroeconomic data from the other. Thus, optimistic financial statements of Apple Inc. for Q1 2009 supported growth of USA markets. The net income of the company exceeded analysts` forecast and made $2.21 bn. or $1.33 per share. EBay Inc. showed good activity results as well - its net income made $0.39 per share, while analysts expected $0.34 per share. However, the report of the United Parcel Service showed less profit than expected. At the same time, negative economic data exerted pressure on the market. Demand on houses purchase at the USA secondary housing market fell 3.2 % to $4.57 m. in March 2009 compared to last year. Analysts forecast the fall to 4.70 m. Number of claims on unemployment payment grew 27 th. over the last week and mad 640 th., at that analysts expected the growth up to 636 th. The European stock markets closed with the fall on negative macroeconomic news from the USA. The fall of shares of banking sector representatives became the other reason of decrease. Shares of HSBC, Banco Santander, UBS and Deutsche Bank lost from 2.2 % to 4.1 %. At that, Credit Suisse grew 8.8 % - the net income of the bank made $1.71 bn. in Q1, what twice exceeds analysts` expectations. Russian stock market, on the contrary, improved on oil growth and appreciation of RUB rate. Today we expect preliminary GDP indicators for Q1 2009 and data on retail sales in March in Great Britain as well as the speech of the USA Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner at G7 meeting. [2009-04-24]