Fitch Downgrades 10 Kazakhstan Financial Institutions
20.02.09 13:07
/Fitch Ratings, London/Moscow, February 19, 09, translated by Fitch
Ratings/ - Fitch Ratings-London/Moscow-19 February 2009: Fitch Ratings
has today downgraded the Long-term Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) of
Kazakhstan-based BTA Bank (BTA) and Alliance Bank (Alliance) by two
notches to 'B+' and 'B', respectively. The agency has also downgraded by
one notch the Long-term IDRs of six other Kazakh banks -
Kazkommertsbank (KKB) to 'BB-' (BB minus), Halyk Bank (Halyk) to 'BB-'
(BB minus), Bank CenterCredit (BCC) to 'B+', Temirbank (Temir) to 'B+',
Kaspi Bank (Kaspi) to 'B' and Tsesnabank (Tsesna) to 'CCC', and
downgraded by two notches Astana Finance (AF) and Astana Finance
Leasing (AFL), both to 'B+'. The Outlooks on Kaspi and Tsesna have been
changed to Negative from Stable and the other eight entities listed have been
placed on Rating Watch Negative (RWN).
Fitch has also placed the ratings of ATF Bank (ATF), Development Bank of
Kazakhstan (DBK) and KazAgroFinance (KAF) on RWN. The Outlook on
Eurasian Bank (Eurasian) has been changed to Negative from Stable. A full
list of rating actions is provided at the end of this commentary.
The downgrades of BTA, Alliance, Temir, KKB, Halyk, BCC, AF and AFL
follow further review by Fitch of the ability and willingness of the Kazakh
authorities to provide support to the country's financial sector, in case of
need. In particular, Fitch's decision to widen the differential between the
sovereign foreign currency Long-term IDR (which remains at 'BBB-(BBB
minus), but was today placed on RWN) and those of the banks reflects three
main concerns.
First, Fitch notes the weaker prospects for the government's own financial
position, and for the future level of foreign currency reserves in particular,
as a result of the weaker oil price and increased demands on reserves,
including from the non-bank sector. While this is not yet by itself sufficient
to result in a downgrade of the sovereign rating, which is currently supported
by the moderate levels of government debt, in Fitch's view the ability of the
authorities to provide support to the banking sector has been negatively
impacted in a material way, and is likely to be negatively impacted in the
Second, the scale of support which the banking sector may require is greater
than was previously anticipated in light of further recent deterioration in the
operating environment and potentially sizeable bank-specific problems at
BTA and Alliance. In particular, the deepening global recession, the negative
impact of lower oil prices on corporate and household liquidity and the recent
devaluation of the KZT are resulting in further deterioration in banks' asset
quality and liquidity positions. These concerns have also been reflected in
today's downgrades by one notch of the Individual ratings of KKB, Halyk,
ATF and Temir, the downgrades of the Long-term IDRs of Kaspi and Tsesna
and the Negative Outlook on Eurasian. Individual ratings reflect the likelihood
that a bank will fail and require external support to avoid default.
Third, Fitch's concerns about the possible restructuring of the liabilities of
BTA and Alliance have heightened in recent days. Fitch currently expects
that a restructuring package is likely to be offered in some form to some of
the creditors of BTA and Alliance. At this stage the agency is not able to
judge whether any such restructuring would be essentially forced in nature
and would therefore constitute a distressed debt exchange (DDE); however,
the banks' Long-term IDRs have been downgraded by two notches to reflect
the heightened risk that a DDE will take place.
In respect of AF and AFL, the decision to widen the notching by two notches
reflects Fitch's opinion that, in the current situation, the Kazakh authorities
are more likely to support systemically important banks like KKB and Halyk
(both downgraded by one notch to 'BB-') than AF and/or AFL if they had to
make the choice, despite AF being 25.5% beneficially owned by state-owned
The RWN on BTA, Alliance, Temir, KKB, Halyk, BCC, AF and AFL reflects
both the RWN on the sovereign ratings and the heightened near-term risk
relating to the possible restructuring of the liabilities of BTA and Alliance.
The execution of a DDE at either of the latter banks would likely result in the
downgrade of the affected bank(s) to 'RD' (Restricted Default). Other
institutions listed in this paragraph would likely also be downgraded in case
of such a DDE at BTA and/or Alliance, possibly by more than one notch, to
reflect greater uncertainty as to the future provision of support to them by the
Kazakh authorities, in case of need.
The RWN on DBK and KAF reflects that on the sovereign ratings, while that
on ATF reflects the potential for the bank's Long-term foreign currency IDR -
which is constrained by the Country Ceiling - to be downgraded together with
the sovereign ratings.
Fitch will publish separate commentaries on the ratings and current financial
positions of KKB, Halyk, ATF, BCC, Temir, Kaspi, Eurasian and Tsesna.
Rating actions are as follows:
BTA Bank
Long-term foreign currency IDR: downgraded to 'B+' from 'BB'; placed on
Long-term local currency IDR: downgraded to 'B+' from 'BB'; placed on RWN
Short-term foreign currency IDR: 'B', placed on RWN
Short-term local currency IDR: 'B', placed on RWN
Individual rating: affirmed at 'F'
Support rating: downgraded to '4' from '3', placed on RWN
Support Rating Floor: revised to 'B+' from 'BB', placed on RWN
Senior unsecured debt: downgraded to 'B+' from 'BB', placed on RWN,
Recovery Rating assigned at 'RR4'
Tier 1 perpetual preferred securities: downgraded to 'CCC' from 'B-' (B
minus), remains on RWN, Recovery Rating assigned at 'RR6"
Long-term foreign currency IDR: downgraded to 'BB-' (BB minus) from 'BB';
placed on RWN
Long-term local currency IDR: downgraded to 'BB-' (BB minus) from 'BB';
placed on RWN
Short-term foreign currency IDR: affirmed at 'B'
Short-term local currency IDR: affirmed at 'B'
Support rating: '3' placed on RWN
Individual rating: downgraded to 'D/E' from 'D'
Support Rating Floor: revised to 'BB-' (BB minus) from 'BB', placed on RWN
Senior unsecured debt: downgraded to 'BB-' (BB minus) from 'BB', placed on
Subordinated debt: downgraded to 'B+' from 'BB-' (BB minus); placed on
Tier 1 perpetual subordinated notes: 'B-' (B minus) placed on RWN
Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan
Long-term foreign currency IDR: downgraded to 'BB-' (BB minus) from 'BB';
placed on RWN
Long-term local currency IDR: downgraded to 'BB-' (BB minus) from 'BB';
placed on RWN
Short-term foreign currency IDR: affirmed at 'B'
Short-term local currency IDR: affirmed at 'B'
Support rating: '3' placed on RWN
Individual rating: downgraded to 'D' from 'C/D'
Support Rating Floor: revised to 'BB-' (BB minus) from 'BB', placed on RWN
Senior unsecured debt: downgraded to 'BB-' (BB minus) from 'BB', placed on
Alliance Bank
Long-term foreign currency IDR: downgraded to 'B' from 'BB-' (BB minus);
placed on RWN
Short-term foreign currency IDR: 'B' placed on RWN
Individual rating: affirmed at 'F'
Support rating: downgraded to '4' from '3', placed on RWN
Support Rating Floor: revised to 'B' from 'BB-' (BB minus), placed on RWN
Senior unsecured debt: downgraded to 'B' from 'BB-' (BB minus); placed on
RWN, Recovery Rating assigned at 'RR4'
Senior unsecured debt issued in Russia: downgraded to 'BBB-(rus)' (BBB
minus (rus)) from 'A+(rus)', placed on RWN
ATF Bank
Long-term foreign currency IDR: 'BBB' placed on RWN
Short-term foreign currency IDR: affirmed at 'F3'
Support rating: affirmed at '2'
Individual rating: downgraded to 'D/E' from 'D'
Senior unsecured debt: 'BBB' placed on RWN
Bank CenterCredit
Long-term foreign currency IDR: downgraded to 'B+' from 'BB-' (BB minus);
placed on RWN
Short-term foreign currency IDR: affirmed at 'B'
Support rating: downgraded to '4' from '3'
Individual rating: affirmed at 'D';
Support Rating Floor: revised to 'B+' from 'BB-' (BB minus), placed on RWN
Senior unsecured debt: downgraded to 'B+' from 'BB-' (BB minus), placed on
RWN, Recovery Rating assigned at 'RR4'
Kaspi Bank
Long-term foreign currency IDR: downgraded to 'B' from 'B+'; Outlook
changed to Negative from Stable
Short-term foreign currency IDR: affirmed at 'B'
Individual rating: affirmed at 'D'
Support rating: affirmed at '5',
Support Rating Floor: affirmed at 'No Floor'
Long-term foreign currency IDR: downgraded to 'B+' from 'BB-' (BB minus);
placed on RWN
Short-term foreign currency IDR: 'B' placed on RWN
Individual rating: downgraded to 'E' from 'D/E'
Support rating: downgraded to '4' from '3', placed on RWN
Support Rating Floor: revised to 'B+' from 'BB-' (BB minus), placed on RWN
Senior unsecured debt: downgraded to 'B+' from 'BB-' (BB minus); placed on
RWN; Recovery Rating assigned at 'RR4'
Eurasian Bank
Long-term foreign currency IDR: affirmed at 'B-' (B minus); Outlook changed
to Negative from Stable
Short-term foreign currency IDR: affirmed at 'B'
Individual rating: affirmed at 'D/E'
Support rating: affirmed at '5'
Support Rating Floor: affirmed at 'No Floor
Long-term foreign currency IDR: downgraded to 'CCC' from 'B-' (B minus);
Outlook changed to Negative from Stable;
Short-term foreign currency IDR: downgraded to 'C' from 'B'
Individual rating: downgraded to 'E' from 'D/E'
Support rating: affirmed at '5'
Support Rating Floor: affirmed at 'No Floor'
Senior Unsecured Debt: Downgraded to 'CCC' from 'B-' (B minus), Recovery
Rating at 'RR4'
Long-term foreign currency IDR: downgraded to 'B+' from 'BB'; placed on
Long-term local currency IDR: downgraded to 'B+' from 'BB'; placed on RWN
Short-term foreign currency IDR: affirmed at 'B'
National Long-term rating: downgraded to 'BBB-(BBB minus)(kaz)' from
A+(Kaz)'; placed on RWN
Individual rating: affirmed at 'D/E'
Support rating: downgraded to '4' from '3', placed on RWN
Support Rating Floor: revised to 'B+' from 'BB', placed on RWN
Senior unsecured debt: downgraded to 'B+' from 'BB'; placed on RWN,
Recovery Rating assigned at 'RR4'
Astana-Finance Leasing Company
Long-term foreign currency IDR: downgraded to 'B+' from 'BB'; placed on
Long-term local currency IDR: downgraded to 'B+' from 'BB'; placed on RWN
Short-term foreign currency IDR: affirmed at 'B'
National Long-term rating: downgraded to 'BBB-(BBB minus)(kaz)' from
A+(kaz)'; placed on RWN
Support rating: downgraded to '4' from '3', placed on RWN
Development Bank of Kazakhstan
Long-term foreign currency IDR: 'BBB-' (BBB minus); placed on RWN
Long-term local currency IDR: 'BBB'; placed on RWN
Short-term foreign currency IDR: 'F3' placed on RWN
Short-term local currency IDR: affirmed at 'F3'
Support rating: '2' placed on RWN
Support Rating Floor: 'BBB-' (BBB minus); placed on RWN
Senior unsecured debt: 'BBB-' (BBB minus); placed on RWN
Long-term foreign currency IDR: 'BB+'; placed on RWN
Long-term local currency IDR: 'BBB-' (BBB minus); placed on RWN
Short-term foreign currency IDR: affirmed at 'B'
National Long-term rating: affirmed at 'AA(kaz)'; Outlook Stable
Support rating: affirmed at '3'
Support Rating Floor: 'BB+'; placed on RWN
Alexei Kechko, James Watson,
Moscow, Tel: +7 495 956 9901
Media Relations:
Alexei Mironov, Moscow, Tel: + 7 495 956 9901/9908,
Marina Moshkina, Moscow, Tel: + 7 495 956 6904/9901,