January 12, KASE GS trade volume reaches USD11.3 m. (KZT1.4 bn.)
12.01.09 21:43
/KASE, January 12, 09/ - Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) domestic GS
trade results for January 12, 2009 with account to quotes at session close:
Days Yield to maturity, % APR:
to ------------------------- Volume,
Currency maturity average bid ask m. tenge
-------- -------- --------- ------ ------ --------
KZT 11 9.98 391.8
KZT 205 7.25
KZT 345 8.50 35.4
KZT 349 7.00
KZT 1786 10.00
KZT 1878 5.48 608.2
KZT 2100 7.00 11.0
KZT 2658 6.10 319.6
-------- -------- --------- ------ ------ --------
TOTAL 1,365.9