Subsidiary of BTA Bank JSC - BTA Securities JSC refused the market-maker status on KASE on securities of 6 denominations
12.11.08 20:26
/KASE, November 12, 08/ - By the decision of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange
(KASE) Board from November 21, 2008, Subsidiary of BTA Bank JSC - BTA
Securities JSC (Almaty) was released from fulfillment of the market-maker
obligations on KASE on the following securities:
- international bonds US045167BH53 (ADB_U040912; $500.0 m., 04.09.02
- 04.09.12, the semi-annual coupon 4.500 % APR) of Asian Development
- international bonds US4581X0AD07 (ADB_IADBU200912; $2.0 bn.
20.09.02 - 20.09.12, the semi-annual coupon 4.375 % APR)of Inter-
American Development Bank (IADB);
- international bonds XS0092711802 (IBRDU251113; $500.0 m., 25.11.98 -
25.11.13, the annual coupon, 5.500 % APR) of International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (IBRD);
- government bonds XS0088543193 (RU_01_2806; $2 500.0 m., 24.06.98 -
24.06.28) of the Ministry of Finance of Russian Federation;
- government bonds XS0114288789 (RU_02_3003; $18 400.0 m., 25.08.00 -
31.03.30) of the Ministry of Finance of Russian Federation;
- international bonds XS0240118017 ("Rated Debt Securities" category,
US_MER_e1; $100.0 m.; 05.01.06 - 11.01.21, the floating semi-annual
coupon, depending on inflation rate in Kazakhstan, 11.044 % APR as for the
current period) of Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc (the USA).
This decision was made in compliance with item 16 of article 5 of KASE internal
document "Rules of Market-Makers Activities" based on the market-maker