KZ1C54620014 (SATC) common shares of SAT & Company JSC (Kazakhstan) have passed through the listing procedure on KASE under "B" category
27.12.07 16:40
/KASE, December 27, 07/ - By the decision of Kazakhstan stock exchange's
(KASE) Council dated December 26 of 2007 common shares
KZ1C54620014 of SAT & Company JSC (Almaty) have been included in
KASE's official "B" listing category under SATC symbol.
Date, on which the decision will take effect, will be announced later after the
issuer pays the listing fees for these securities.
It will be announced additionally about opening of trades on KASE as well.
The issue of company's shares was registered by Agency of Republic of
Kazakhstan for regulating and supervision over financial market and
organizations on October 18, 2006 in amount of 100,000 copies. Issue was
included into State register of securities under number A5462.
As of December 1, 2007 100,000 common shares for amount of
KZT1,884,116 th. were offered.
According to charter of SAT & company JSC payment of dividends on its
common shares by results of year is making by decision of general meeting
of company's shareholders. Dividends on common shares were not charged
and paid during whole history of company's existence.
Register system of company's shareholders is maintained by Register
system of securities JSC (Almaty).
Main types of company's activities - wholesale trade with oil products,
petrochemical industry, metal-working, aircraft transfers and investments to
the most rapidly growing branches of economy: construction, trade with oil
products, oil-gas machine construction, metallurgy, petrochemistry and
The detailed information about the issue of securities will be published on
KASE's website after the mentioned decision of the Exchange council takes