Perviy nezavisimiy registrator JSC had become the new registrar of securities of JV Insurance company London-Almaty JSC (Kazakhstan)

03.12.07 16:59
/KASE, December 3, 07/ - Central depositary of securities JSC (Almaty) had informed Kazakhstan stock exchange JSC (KASE) by the official letter that on November 29, 2007 in its register system was registered the change of registrar of common shares KZ1C39700014 (LNAT) of JV Insurance company London-Almaty JSC (Almaty). According to the message change of registrar of JV Insurance company London-Almaty JSC had taken place due to annulment of agreement with Register-Center JSC (Almaty) and transfer to servicing by registrar Perviy nezavisimiy registrator JSC (Almaty). [2007-12-03]