/CORRECTED/ KZ2C0Y03C585 (KKI_b1) bonds of Kazkommerts Invest JSC (Kazakhstan) have passed through the listing procedure on KASE under "A" category

02.09.07 20:51
/KASE, September 2, 07, re-sent due to change in the title and text of security's symbol considering the wish of the issuer/ - By the decision of Kazakhstan stock exchange's (KASE) Council dated August 29 of 2007 bonds KZ2C0Y03C585 (KZT1; KZT4.0 bn.; three years; semi annual coupon; 8.00% APR, 30/360) of Kazkommerts Invest JSC (Almaty) have been included in KASE's official "A" listing category under KKI_b1 symbol. Date, on which the decision will take effect, will be announced later after the issuer pays the listing fees for these securities. It will be announced additionally about opening of trades on KASE as well. Main activities of the company are - operations on projected financing (loans fro realization of projects in oil and gas sector and sectors of immovable and industry), broker and dealer operations (underwriting, organizations of debt securities' issues, trading), assets management (management with assets of institutional investors, trusting management wit assets of corporate clients and physical entities, management with assets of share and joint stock investment funds, accumulative pension funds and other organizations), financial consulting (services of financial consultant, consulting on restructuring of organizations, and also conduction of deals for fusion and takeover of organizations), investment activities. The detailed information about the issue of securities will be published on KASE's website after the mentioned decision of the Exchange council takes effect. [2007-09-02]