Shareholders of KazTransCom JSC (Kazakhstan) decided to increase the amount of announced common shares, confirmed the charter in new edition and methods of determination of shares' cost

02.08.07 14:16
/IRBIS, Raushan Tundybayeva, August 2, 07/ - KazTransCom JSC (Almaty, further - the company), securities of which are traded in Kazakhstan stock exchange's (KASE) category "A" official list, provided KASE with the copy of protocol of prescheduled general meeting of shareholders dated July 3, 2007. According to the provided document shareholders of the company accepted the next decisions: - to increase amount of announced common shares by 612,900 copies; - to include changes and additions to the company's prospect of shares' issue; - to confirm the charter of company in new edition; - to confirm the methods of determination of shares' cost while redeeming of them by the company; - to conduct the message about conduction of general meeting not later than before 30 days till date of its holding by advertisement in "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda" newspaper. [2007-08-02]