Shareholders of Transstroymost JSC (Kazakhstan) took a decision on reorganization of the company

04.04.07 20:46
/IRBIS, Raushan Tundybaeva, April 4, 07/ - Transstrymost JSC (Almay oblast., hereinafter - the company), bonds of which are traded in the official list of Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE) under "А" category, provided KASE with the copy of the protocol of the prescheduled general meeting of shareholders dated March 26 2007. In compliance with agenda of the mentioned meeting, shareholders of the company took decisions as follows: - to reorganize the company by way of incorporating that with several daughter enterprises - Silk City 3D Construction LLP and ТСМ 3D LLP (hereinafter - enterprises); - to approve contracts on incorporating the enterprises with the company; - to confirm transmission decrees with the enterprises. [2007-04-04]