KZ2CKY05A523 (KZAPb1) bonds of NAC Kazatomprom JSC have been excluded from KASE's official list due to expiration of the circulation period

02.04.07 20:41
/KASE, April 2, 07/ - By the decision of Kazakhstan stock exchange's (KASE) Board since April 2, 2007 KZ2CKY05A523 bonds indexed on tenge to US dollar devaluation rate (KZAPb1, KZT100; KZT2.3 bn.; April 1, 02 - April 1, 07, semi-annual coupon, 8.50% APR) of National atom company Kazatomprom JSC (NAC Kazatomprom JSC, Almaty) have been excluded from KASE's official "A" listing category due to expiration of the circulation period. Bonds have been included into KASE's official list since April 1, 2002. First trades with them were held on October 3, 2002. For the whole period of circulation of securities on KASE in purchase and sale sector bonds' yield to maturity for a purchaser on deals, made by the method of open trades, was varied from 3.00% APR to 9.43% APR The last deal was made on February 27, 2006 at the yield 5.00% APR. In year 2006 KZAPb1 on KASE had occupied the 134-th position in the trading rating among non-governmental securities by the volume of deals made (0.14% from the corresponding turnover of the market) and 108-th position in the same rating of corporate bonds (0.18%). [2007-04-02]