/IRBIS, Dinara Mukasheva, March 21, 07/ -Cbonds information agency
informed of awarding the prize-winners of categories Cbonds Awards and
The award ceremony was held on March 16 2007 in Almaty in context of the
conference "Securities market and collective investments in Kazakhstan.
Practical experience".
By results of the analysis of proprietary data, Cbonds information agency
elected investment banks, which within 2006 offered the biggest volume of
bonds of Kazakhstan issuers on the primary market.
The agency decided on the list of winners in the category Cbonds Awards.
They are:
- Internal bonds market - 2006
investment banks - winners of this category were decided by Cbonds by
results of the analysis of proprietary data in compliance with underwriting
volumes of Kazakhstan issuers for 2006:
- the first prize - Kazakhstan Securities JSC (the daughter
organization of Kazkommertsbank JSC);
- the second prize - Astana-Finance JSC;
- the third prize -BCC Invest JSC - the daughter organization of Bank
CenterCredit JSC;
Within this category the best companies were decided in securities market,
which were determined by voting results, which were performed within
February-March 2007 on web site at www.cbonds.info/rus/ :
- The most information-open investment bank of Kazakhstan - 2006
- the first prize - REAL-INVEST.kz JSC;
- the second prize - the daughter organization of the joint stock
company Bank TuranAlem TuranAlem Securities JSC;
- the third prize - VISOR Capital JSC;
- The most rapidly developing investment bank of Kazakhstan - 2006
- the first prize -BCC Invest JSC - the daughter organization of Bank
CenterCredit JSC;
- the second prize - Astana-Finance JSC;
- the third prize - Kazkommerts Securities JSC (the daughter
organization o Kazkommertsbank JSC);
- The best coverage of securities market in Kazakhstan - 2006
- the first prize - newspaper "The Business & Vlast";
- the second prize - the information agency "Interfax-Kazakhstan";
- the third prize - magazine "The expert Kazakhstan";
- The best analytical piece of writing on securities market in
Kazakhstan - 2006
- the first prize - IRBIS financial market information agency;
- the second prize - magazine "The securities market of Kazakhstan";
- the third prize - Centras Securities JSC;
The agency draws attention on that while summing-up of internet-voting,
votes of market participants were not calculated as well as it was not allowed
to journalists to vote for themselves.
The information web site www.investfunds.kz determined winners in
categories Investfunds Awards (the best pension investment funds of
Kazakhstan and managing companies):
- The leader on profitability among open and interval pension
investment funds
- the first prize - PIF Nasip (Almaty Investment Management JSC);
- the second prize - JPIF BTA Profitable (the Daughter organization of
the joint stock company Bank TuranAlem TuranAlem Securities
- the third prize - PIF Favorite (REAL-INVEST.kz JSC);
- The leader on volume of finds in management among open and
interval PIFs
- the first prize - JPIF BTA Profitable (the Daughter organization of
the joint stock company Bank TuranAlem TuranAlem Securities
- the second prize - PIF BTA Balanced (the Daughter organization of
the joint stock company Bank TuranAlem TuranAlem Securities
- the third prize - PIF Nasip (Almaty Investment Management JSC);
- Best PIF advertisements
Winners of this category were determined by results of open internet-
voting at www.investfunds.kz
- the first prize - Daughter organization of the joint stock company
Bank TuranAlem TuranAlem Securities JSC;
- the second prize -REAL-INVEST.kz JSC;
- the third prize - Kazkommerts Invest JSC.
Information about prize-winners of categories is available at