U.S. dollar market of Kazakhstan: day results
20.03.07 20:25
/IRBIS, Sergey Yakovlev, March 20, 07/ - Following is the table of major
indicators of Kazakhstan market of U.S. dollar on day results. The rate is
given in tenge per dollar, volume - th. USD. Trends are shown relative to
corresponding figures of previous trading day.
Results of trades on Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE)
KASE's session Morning Day Evening
Time 10:15-11:00 ALT 11:30-15:30 14:00-17:00
--------------- -------------- -------------
Indicator value trend value trend value trend
---------------------- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -----
Opening rate 123.80 -0.40 123.81 +0.18 123.89 +0.23
---------------------- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -----
Maximum rate 123.95 -0.25 124.10 +0.38 124.04 +0.34
Volume on max. price 3200 +3195 800 +700 100 -900
---------------------- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -----
Minimum rate 123.20 -0.35 123.79 +0.23 123.89 +0.23
Volume on min. price 5 -695 100 -1800 500 -4500
---------------------- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -----
Closing rate 123.78 +0.12 124.00 +0.30 124.00 +0.30
Weight. aver. rate 123.71 +0.04 123.91 +0.26 123.97 +0.30
Session volume (gross) 92130 +31520 90900 +12150 1500 -5000
Session net-turnover 80 200 +38400 61700 +12000 1300 -4200
Number of deals 148 -21 112 +15 7 +3
Number of participants 19 +1 19 0 6 -2
---------------------- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -----
Day gross-turnover* 183030 +43670 1500 -5000
Day net-turnover* 125300 +40500 1500 -4200
---------------------- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -----
Best bid** 123.77 +0.11 123.95 +0.28 123.95 +0.36
Best ask** 123.78 +0.11 124.04 +0.34 124.01 +0.36
---------------------- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -----
REUTERS Bid** 123.65 -0.02 124.00 +0.36 123.93 +0.34
REUTERS Ask** 123.75 +0.04 124.06 +0.39 123.96 +0.34
* resulting net-position on each instrument
** at closing of the session on KASE, out of stock exchange - by the data of
Table of price levels of trade in US dollar on KASE on TOD terms
Morning United ----------------------------
session: session: time (ALT):
------------- ---------------- ------------
Price ------ ----- --------- -----
level volume deals volume deals volume deals from to
------ ------ ----- --------- ----- ------- ----- ----- -----
124.10 800 3 800 3 12:03 12:09
124.08 800 3 800 3 12:02 15:11
124.07 2,000 8 2,000 8 15:01 15:13
124.06 300 2 300 2 12:10 15:22
124.05 3,600 6 3,600 6 12:01 15:23
124.03 500 1 500 1 14:51 14:51
124.02 2,000 1 2,000 1 14:55 14:55
124.01 100 1 100 1 15:29 15:29
124.00 2,400 5 2,400 5 12:00 15:29
123.99 900 2 900 2 12:00 14:45
123.98 2,500 2 2,500 2 12:11 14:39
123.95 3,200 4 5,400 9 8,600 13 10:34 14:38
123.94 500 1 500 1 14:38 14:38
123.93 2,000 1 2,000 4 4,000 5 10:37 14:38
123.92 16000 3 16,000 3 14:34 14:37
123.91 1300 4 1,300 4 13:32 14:35
123.90 9,900 10 13700 10 23,600 20 10:30 14:29
123.89 1,000 3 7800 9 8,800 12 10:38 12:30
123.88 1,100 4 2100 2 3,200 6 10:38 12:35
123.87 1,200 1 4000 5 5,200 6 10:39 12:34
123.86 1,000 1 5200 4 6,200 5 10:39 12:34
123.85 1,500 3 6200 6 7,700 9 10:39 12:34
123.84 3500 7 3,500 7 11:34 12:33
123.83 4,000 4 1500 2 5,500 6 10:39 12:24
123.82 2500 3 2,500 3 12:23 12:25
123.81 1,200 1 2400 5 3,600 6 10:48 12:25
123.80 15,425 23 800 3 16,225 26 10:15 12:25
123.79 1,500 6 100 1 1,600 7 10:29 12:25
123.78 2,300 7 2,300 7 10:29 10:59
123.77 1,200 3 1,200 3 10:29 10:45
123.76 1,500 3 1,500 3 10:45 10:53
123.75 8,800 19 8,800 19 10:27 10:55
123.70 2,000 1 2,000 1 10:23 10:23
123.65 500 2 500 2 10:23 10:23
123.60 4,100 5 4,100 5 10:23 10:25
123.58 100 1 100 1 10:23 10:23
123.52 50 1 50 1 10:23 10:23
123.51 200 2 200 2 10:21 10:21
123.50 26,305 38 26,305 38 10:15 10:20
123.48 50 1 50 1 10:19 10:19
123.45 1,995 3 1,995 3 10:15 10:15
123.20 5 1 5 1 10:15 10:15
------ ------ ----- - ------ ----- ------- ----- ----- -----
TOTAL 92,130 148 , 90,900 112 183,030 260 10:15 15:29
--------------------- - -------------------------------------------
Parameters of unsatisfied demand and supply of second tier banks in KASE' trade
system for the last 5 days (total of valid bids by the time of morning and day
trades closing, th. USD)
Indicator Mar. 14, 07 Mar. 15, 07 Mar. 16, 07 Mar. 19, 07 Mar. 20, 07
---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Offer 20,100 20,895 18,300 33,310 29,000
Bid 56,055 20,800 27,365 18,310 30,550
---------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Difference +35,955 -95 +9,065 -15,000 +1,550
By results of the day it can be said that the market is again drawn towards
the further development of correctional growth. Despite the increased volume
of closed deals, rate fluctuations were remarkable for stability, defining stable
dollar striving to strengthen its positions. Nevertheless, bank disposition on
KASE by day results looked fully balanced.
On the whole the situation, which is formed in the currency market, allows
assuming that tomorrow STB will be inclined to the positional trade. But on
the threshold of long days off drastic rate fluctuations are not excluded,
since priority direction of the trade tomorrow will be determined by local
demand volume and offer of single banks.