Kazakhtelecom JSC (Kazakhstan) had informed about starting of its corporate portal

20.03.07 16:05
/KASE, March 20, 07/ - Kazakhtelecom JSC (Astana), shares of which are traded in Kazakhstan stock exchange's (KASE) category "A" official list had spread the press-release, dedicated to presentation of its corporate portal www.telecom.kz. Quotation begin The first stage of creation and starting of general-informative portal was finished in January 2007, and had included to itself 52 information services: full information about the company (history, politics, main projects and other), list of all types of services and tariffs on them, payment and service (pay phone and Tarlan cards, tele-banking and others), directory of subscriber and many other. The data are renewing in the on-line regime. Kazakhtelecom JSC is aspiring to increase the quality of servicing and to wide the range of services providing. So on the second stage it is maintaining the development of inter-active services. Currently are successfully functioning: - Receiving of information about current charge fro the services of Kazakhtelecom JSC; - Detailing of services provided; - Review of payments included; - Receiving of bill by e-mail; - Answers on the most often questions; - Surveys. The first four services for the amenity of the client had entered to the specially created on the portal "Private room". Today this service is available only for residents of Almaty. But till the end of year 2007 step by step will be conducted its replication and introduction in all subsidiaries of Kazakhtelecom JSC. Now for receiving of access to "Private room" it is necessary to register in any department of CCT Almatytelecom. And, for the end, the transaction service lets the registered clients to pay bill for services of Kazakhtelecom JSC by banking cards. For that it is needed to supply on the portal the password and login for entering to the "Private room". After that point the sum of payment. Further it is taken place the switching to the banking system for authorization of the banking card. Through the Center of payments may conduct the payment by all types of credit cards Visa International, EuroPay(MasterCard/Eurocard). In perspective it is planning the development and connection of new additional interactive services for subscribers. In particular, the organization of cooperation with clients on the portal by the principle of "Unified eye", the acceptance of bids from operators on connection to Kazakhtelecom JSC's network, signing for the news of the company, forum, acceptance of bids on provision with additional services. And exactly: - Installation of the telephone; - Installation of ISDN-terminal; - Release of paired telephone; - Substitution of the telephone number; - Provision of access to Internet by the ADSL technology; - Connection to services of additional types of servicing ("alarm clock", re-addressing of calls, voice mail and so on); - Opening/closing of entering to inter-cities/international connection. It is foreseen the development of adjoining projects - post service and searching system. The portal provides the developed list of means for integration with different information systems, starting from simple transfer of information, to the active interaction with other systems. With an objective of forming of the united information area in the company and provision of mobile access to internal systems in April of current year it is expected the finishing of the third stage of the project - introduction of internal corporate portal and correspondingly of "Private room" for employees of Kazakhtelecom JSC. Here it is planning to place the news of the company, normative-legal base, pages of employees, congratulations and so on. Also will be integrated the corporate systems, such as electronic documents' turnover, analytical report system and others. The further development of project supposes the full transfer of all web- resources of the company to the united platform of Corporate portal. Kazakhtelecom JSC, due to the chosen platform guarantees the high level of safety of access to information and private data of clients and company's employees. AS one of the partners of the project is acting the known IT-company "Oracle", which had provided the program supplying Oracle Portal, used as the platform, and also had made the consulting. Public relation department of Kazakhtelecom JSC +7(327)258 75 11 +7(3172)58 77 10 Quotation end [2007-03-20]