Nurbank JSC (Kazakhstan) informed of conferring the status Principal Member within international payment system MasterCard WorldWide

14.03.07 20:27
/KASE, March 14, 07/ - Nurbank JSC (Almaty), securities of which are traded in the official list of Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE) under "A" category, has spread today the press release, saying. Quotation start At February meeting of Council of directors of MasterCard WorldWide, which took place in the headquarter of the company, Nurbank was conferred the status Principle Member of this international payment system. This status is the highest, which the bank can only occupy within this payment system. Therefore, Nurbank is coming out to the level of direct interaction with MasterCard, which gives the bank opportunity to compete with the biggest banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan. the new form of cooperation with one of the market leaders of payment cards and technologies implies the further development of card business of Nurbank - starting with emerging the new card products finishing with implementing additional services with employment of high technology. According to words of the managing director of Nurbank Zarina Keshubaeva, "this event is an important step forward, since the payment card becomes one of the most perspective retail products of the financial sector of Kazakhstan". For today Nurbank has already gained the status Principle Member of Visa International payment system. Nurbank enters into top ten banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As of February 1 2007 assets of the bank totaled KZT219,573,059 th., liabilities - KZT195,149,188 th. Shareholder's equity of the bank reached KZT24,423,871 th., including the authorized capital - KZT15,000,000 th. Quotation end [2007-03-14]