National Bank's notes-26 of 1073rd issue - Offering results

11.03.07 19:59
/IRBIS, Sergey Yakovlev, March 11, 07/ - Today the National Bank of Kazakhstan (NBK) held the 1073rd auction for offering of short-term notes. Following is complete results of offering. ---------------------------------------------------- Type of the securities Notes-26 NIN KZW1KD260738 KASE trade code NTK026_1073 Par value, KZT 100,0 Time basis actual/365 Offering date (auction) March 11, 07 Payment date March 11, 07 Circulation start date March 11, 07 Maturity date April 6, 07 Days in circulation 26 Planned volume, KZT m 200,000.0 Limits on uncompetitive, % 90 Demand, KZT m 255,005.2 Number of participants - Primary agents 12 WA yield on demand, % APR 5.07 Actual volume, KZT m 198,120.2 Cut-off price, KZT 99.66 WA price, KZT 99.66 Maximum yield, % APR 4.79 Weighted average yield, % APR 4.79 Effective WA yield, % APR 4.90 ---------------------------------------------------- [2007-03-11]