KZ1C45100019 common shares of Astana-Nedvizhimost JSC (Kazakhstan) have been included into the official list of the special trading floor of RFCA since February 23 under the code aASND

23.02.07 11:30
/KASE, February 23, 07/ - By the decision of the Expert Council of the special trading floor of the regional financial center of Almaty (RFCA) dated February 22, 2007 KZ1C45100019 common shares (KASE's official "A" listing category; ASND) of Astana-Nedvizhimost JSC (Astana) have been included into the official list of the special trading floor of RFCA (category "C") by Statute 1 under aASND symbol. The mentioned decision took an effect since February 23, 2007. Trades with these shares on the special trading floor of RFCA will be announced later. Detailed information about securities will be published on KASE's web site at [2007-02-23]