Issue, circulation and maturity terms of KZPC1Y05C285 (KAFIb1) bonds of KazAgroFinance JSC (Kazakhstan)
28.12.06 21:29
/IRBIS, Sergey Yakovlev, December 21, 06/ - Following is the characteristics
of KZ2P0Y03C186 bonds of KazAgroFinance JSC (Astana), which is given in
accordance with their inclusion in Kazakhstan stock exchange's (KASE)
official "A" listing category.
Data is shown in accordance with conclusion of KASE's Listing commission
and prospect of issue of bonds.
Type of securities: bonds with floating
coupon rate
Debt type: unsecured
Issue and servicing currency: Kazakhstan tenge (KZT)
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Bond program number C28
in the state register
Registration date of the bond program October 12, 06
Amount of bond program KZT30 bn.
Issue number in bond program 1
Issue number in the state register C28-1
Registration date of the issue October 12, 06
National identification number: KZ2P0Y03C186
Register bondholders maintenance: Register - Center JSC (Astana)
Financial consultant: DERBES
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Face value of a bond KZT1,000
Issue volume in issue currency: 3,000,000,000
Issue volume in securities: 3,000,000
Date of circulation start: December 28, 06
Circulation term: 5 years
Offering term: during whole circulation term
Register fixation date at maturity: as of beginning of
December 27, 11
Maturity start date: December 27, 11
Maturity term: 10 working days,
following the day of end of
circulation term of bonds
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Coupon rate: for the first coupon
period is determined
by results of specialized
trades, later - floating,
depending on inflation rate in
Register fixation dates for coupon payment: as of beginning of June 27 and
December 27 annually
Coupons payment start dates: June 28 and
December 28 each year
Term of coupon payments: 10 working days,
following after the last day
of the period, for which the payment
is made
Time basis at all settlements: 30/360, European method
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Date of admittance in trade lists of KASE: December 28, 06
Trade number of KASE: KAFIb1
Date of first trades: will be announced later
Quoting system on KASE: in net prices,
% from the face value
Accuracy of price changing in quoting: up to 4 decimal places
Underwriter and Investment Financial House RESMI JSC
market maker at KASE (Kazakhstan)
Minimal volume of compulsory quotation 2,060 bonds
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Credit ratings of the issue: absent as of December 28, 06
Credit ratings of the issuer: Moody's: Baa2/stable/P-2
Indexation of coupon payment, starting from the second coupon period, is
executed taking into account inflation rate in accordance with formula S
=C*i2/i1, where:
C - rate of the coupon payment for the first coupon period;
S - rate of coupon payment taking into account indexation on the regular
coupon payment;
i1 and i2 - inflation indexes, counted on the basis of increase or decline of
the annual average consumer price index, presented by the Statistics agency
of Kazakhstan for last 12 months, preceding two calendar months before the
first day of the month of bond circulation start and payment of the regular
coupon payment, respectively.
The upper level of inflation rate determines maximal value of coupon rate at
15%. Minimal value of coupon rate is constrained by coupon rate (C),
determined by results of specialized trades on initial offering of bonds (i.e. if