PetroKazakhstan had increased the extraction of oil in the Q3 almost 1.4 times

13.11.06 17:49
/INTERFAX-KAZAKHSTAN, Almaty, November 13, 06/ - Company PetroKazakhstan in the third quarter of the current year had extracted 13.619 m. barrels of oil against 9.86 m. barrels of oil fro the same period of the last year, had informed to the agency Interfax-Kazakhstan in the company on Monday. "During the third quarter of year 2006 the total volume of extraction of PetroKazakhstan Inc. (including PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources, 50% stakes in JV Kazgermunay and JV Turgay Petroleum) totaled 13.619 m. barrels of oil (1.758 m. tons of oil) or in average 148033 barrels of oil per day (19111 tons of oil per day) in comparison with 107167 barrels of oil per day in the third quarter of year 2005 and 145978 barrels of oil per day in the second quarter of year 2006", - is noted in the message of the company, income to the agency Interfax-Kazakhstan on Monday. Meanwhile, as it is informed in the press-release, for the pointed period on the Shymkent oil processing plant, controlled by PetroKazakhstan, was processed 9.22 m. barrels of oil (1.19 m. tons) which is by 2.6 m. barrels more then for the similar period of the last year, and by 0.32 more then in the second quarter of the current year. "Totally for 9 months of year 2006 on Shymkent OPP was processed 3.25 m. tons of oil", - is said in the press-release. At that plant increased the output of high-octane gasoline in comparison with low-octane. "So, now the output of high-octane gasoline totals about 50% (in comparison with 35-40% in the second quarter of year 2006)", - stressed in the press- service of PetroKazakhstan. By information of the press-service also it is noted that in the third quarter of the current year PetroKazakhstan had bored 6 exploring holes, 3 from which are bored in the Southern part of field Kyzylkiya, by one - on the license territories of Kolzhan, 951-Д and 1057. Meanwhile for January-September of the current year on the field Southern Kumkol the company had bored 6 extracting holes, on the field Kyzylkiya - 12, on the field Aryskum - 15. In the press-release it is also noted that in the end of October the company had turned into exploitation the BBPS (block bushed pumping station) for pumping of water to the layer on the field Southern Kumkol with the poverty 3000 cubic metres per 24 hours, building of which was started in the second quarter of the current year. Except this, according to the press-release, PetroKazakhstan at the present time is building BBPS of the same poverty on the fields Kyzylkiya (60% of readiness) and Aryskum (50% of readiness). In the third quarter the company had made hydro gaps of layers on 27 holes, including 26 extracting holes and 1 force hole. At that the press-services reminds, that the company Halliburton (contractor of PetroKazakhstan) had made the first works of hydro gapping the layer on the fields of the company in June 2006, it was made the hydro gap of 5 holes. "The hydro gap of the layer is one of the measurements of increasing its oil return - so, the total extra volume, received as the result of these measurements, totals 719 tons of oil per day. In October it was already made the hydro gap on 4 holes. Till the end of day company is planning to make the hydro gap on 50 holes", - is stressed in the press-release. Along with it is noted in the message, that at the moment PetroKazakhstan for receiving the new contract on extraction of oil and gas is preparing the report on calculation the reserves of oil and gas on the field Northern Nuraly, informs the company. "At the territory of License Kolzhan (License 952-D) was finished the preparation of the report on "Calculating the reserves of oil and gas of the field Northern-Western Kyzylkiya". The report is delivered on coordination and confirmation to Territorial Administration Yuzhkaznedra and state commission of reserves (SCR) of Republic of Kazakhstan", - is noted in the press-release. Except this, according to the message, it was made the "Operative calculation of reserves of oil and gas on the field Doshan and forecasted resources on perspective areas Doshan and Zhamansu". The report is provided to SCR of republic and Territorial Administration Yuzhkaznedra, is informed in the press-release of PetroKazakhstan. PetroKazakhstan is the integrated energetic company, is making in Kazakhstan the exploration, extraction and export of oil, and also processing of oil and selling of oil products. The main assets of PetroKazakhstan are Shymkent OPP (Southern- Kazakhstan region) and Kumkol group of fields (Kyzylorda region, South of the republic). PetroKazakhstan is joint Chinese-Kazakhstan company, in which the a third of shares belongs to national company KazMunayGas. At that according to agreement of the sides they are managing by Shymkent OPP on the parity basis. [2006-11-13]