Schedule of events on corporate debt market of Kazakhstan within October 2 - October 8, 2006
29.09.06 20:29
/IRBIS, Yelena Korpusenko, September 29, 06/ - In the period from October
2 till October 8, 2006 in the stock market of Kazakhstan corporate debt the
events are planned as follows:
October 2 - the actual date, on which Kazakhstan Mortgage Company JSC
(Almaty) pays coupons to holders of following issues:
- KZ2CKY10A853 (KASE's official "A" listing category, KZIKb2; KZT1,
KZT2.4 bn., August 11, 03 - October 1, 13, semi-annual coupon,
indexed on inflation rate, 10.70% APR for the current period) -
providing that all bonds are in circulation, payment amount is
KZT128,400.0 th.
- KZ2CKY10A986 (KASE's official "A" listing category, KZIKb3; KZT1,
KZT4,050.0 m., December 1, 03 - April 1, 14, semiannual coupon
indexed on inflation rate, 9.90% APR for current period) - providing
that all bonds are in circulation, payment amount is KZT200,450.0 th.
- KZ2CKY10B075 (KASE's official "A" listing category, KZIKb4; KZT1,
KZT4,050.0 m., February 1, 04 - April 1, 14, semi-annual coupon
indexed on inflation rate, 9.40% for current period) - providing that all
bonds are in circulation, payment amount is KZT190,350.0 th.
- KZ2CKY05B216 (KASE's official "A" listing category, KZIKb5; KZT1,
KZT5.0 bn., June 1, 04 - April 1, 09, semi-annual coupon indexed on
inflation rate 9.29% APR for current period) - providing that all bonds
are in circulation, payment amount is KZT232,250.0 th.
- KZ2CKY07B220 (KASE's official "A" listing category, KZIKb6, KZT1,
KZT5.0 bn.;June1, 04 - April 1, 11, semiannual coupon indexed on
inflation rate 2.29% APR for current period) - providing that all bonds
are in circulation, payment amount is KZT232,250.0 th.
- KZ2CKY07B303 (KASE's official "A" listing category, KZIKb7, KZT1,
KZT5.0 bn.; June 1, 04 - April 1, 11, semi-annual coupon indexed on
inflation rate 9.00% APR for current period) - providing that all bonds
are in circulation, payment amount is KZT225,000.0 th.
Payment date (October 1) comes to a day-off.
October 2 - the actual date, on which NAC Kazatomprom JSC (Almaty)
pays the ninth coupon to holders of its KZ2CKY05A523 issue bonds
indexed on devaluation rate of tenge to US dollar (KASE's official "A" listing
category, KZAPb1, KZT100, KZT2.3 bn.; April 1, 02 - April 1, 07, semi-
annual coupon, 8.50% APR). Providing that all bonds are in circulation, the
amount of the payment is USD641.4 th. on exchange rate of tenge to dollar,
acting on payment date. Payment date (October 1) comes to a day off.
October 2 - the actual date, on which Bank CenterCredit JSC (Almaty) pays
the ninth coupon to holders of its KZ2CKY07A503 issue subordinate bonds
indexed on devaluation rate of tenge to dollar (KASE's official "A" listing
category, CCBNb2, KZT15,000, KZT1.5 bn.; April 1, 02 - April 1, 09, semi-
annual coupon 10.00% APR). Providing that all bonds are in circulation, the
amount of the payment is KZT75.0 m. (income of bondholders is protected
from tenge strengthening to US dollar). Payment date (October 1) comes to
a day-off.
October 4 - the register of holders of XS0251702618 issue subordinate
perpetual bonds of ALB Finance B.V. (Rotterdam, Netherlands) (KASE's
official "А" listing category, ASBNe3; $1, $150 m., April 19, 06 - , semi-
annual coupon, 9.375% APR), issued under full guarantee of Alliance Bank
JSC (Almaty), is fixed. Register is fixed for the first coupon payment.
October 4 - the register of holders of KZ2CKY07B915 issue subordinate
bonds of Eurasian bank JSC (Almaty) (KASE's official "А" listing category,
EUBNb3; KZT100, KZT10.0 bn., April 5, 06 - April 5, 13, semi-annual
coupon, indexed on inflation rate, 8.00% APR for the current period) is fixed.
Register is fixed for the first coupon payment. Bonds were included in
KASE's official list on April 5, 2006. Trades in given securities on KASE have
not opened yet.
October 4 - the register of holders of KZ2CKY07B907 issue bonds of
Jayremsk ore mining and processing combine JSC (Karaganda obl., Almaty
village) (KASE's official "А" listing category, JGOKb2; KZT100, KZT3.8 bn.,
April 5, 06 - April 5, 13, semi-annual coupon, indexed on inflation rate,
9.00% APR for the current period) is fixed. Register is fixed for the first
coupon payment.
October 4 - the register of holders of KZ2CKY03B864 issue bonds of
Aktobemunay-finance JSC (Aktobe) (KASE's official "B" listing category,
AKFIb1; KZT1,000, KZT4.0 bn., April 5, 06 - April 5, 09, semi-annual
coupon, indexed on inflation rate, 9.50% APR for the current period) is fixed.
Register is fixed for the first coupon payment.
October 5 - the date, on which Eurasian bank JSC pays the first coupon to
holders of its KZ2CKY07B915 (EUBNb3) issue bonds. Providing that all
bonds are in circulation, the amount of the payment is KZT400.0 m.
According to issue terms payment must be performed until October 16, 2006
October 5 - - the date, on which Jayremsk ore mining and processing
combine JSC pays the first coupon to holders of its KZ2CKY07B907
(JGOKb2) issue bonds. Providing that all bonds are in circulation, the
amount of the payment is KZT160.0 m. According to issue terms payment
must be performed until October 26, 2006 inclusive.
October 5 - the date, on which Aktobemunay-finance JSC pays the first
coupon to holders of its KZ2CKY03B864 (AKFIb1) issue bonds. Providing
that all bonds are in circulation, the amount of the payment is KZT190.0 m.
According to issue terms payment must be performed until November 3,
2006 inclusive.
October 5 - the register of holders of KZ2CKY05B950 issue bonds of
Transstroymost JSC (Almaty obl., Kapshagay) (KASE's official "A" listing
category, TSSMb1; KZT100, KZT5.0 bn., April 5, 06 - April 5, 11, semi-
annual coupon, indexed on inflation rate, 10.00% APR for the current period)
is fixed. Register is fixed for the first coupon payment.
October 6 - the date, on which Transstroymost JSC pays the first coupon to
holders of its KZ2CKY05B950 (TSSMb1) issue bonds. Providing that all
bonds are in circulation, the amount of the payment is KZT250.0 m.
According to issue terms payment must be performed until October 19, 2006
October 6 - the register of holders of KZ2CKY05B844 issue bonds of
DANABANK JSC (Almaty) (KASE's official "B" listing category, DNBNb2;
KZT1, KZT3.0 bn., April 7, 06 - April 7, 11, semi-annual coupon, indexed on
inflation rate, 10.00% APR for the current period) is fixed. Register is fixed
for the first coupon payment. Bonds were included in KASE's official list on
April 6, 206. Trades in these securities have not been opened on KASE.
October 6 - the register of holders of KZPC1Y05C020 issue bonds of
Kazakhstan Kagazy JSC (Almaty obl., Abay village) (KASE's official "A"
listing category, KKAGb2; KZT1, KZT3.5 bn., April 7, 06 - April 7, 11, semi-
annual coupon, indexed on inflation rate, 9.00% APR for the current period)
is fixed. Register is fixed for the first coupon payment.
October 7 - the date, on which DANABANK JSC pays the first coupon to
holders of its KZ2CKY05B844 (DNBNb2) issue bonds. Providing that all
bonds are in circulation, the amount of the payment is KZT150.0 m.
October 7 - the date, on which Kazakhstan Kagazy JSC pays the first
coupon to holders of its KZPC1Y05C020 (KKAGb2) issue bonds. Providing
that all bonds are in circulation, the amount of the payment is KZT157.5 m.
October 7 - settling-day of payment of fifth coupon to holders of euro notes
of Kazkommerts International B.V. (Rotterdam, Netherlands) of
XS0190240324 issue (KASE's official "A" listing category, KKGBe5; $400.0;
April 7, 04 - April 7, 14, semi-annual coupon 7.875% APR), issued under full
guarantee of Kazkommertsbank JSC (Almaty). Providing that all euronotes
are in circulation, the amount of the payment is USD15,750.0 th.
October 7 - the register of holders of KZPC3Y10B655 issue bonds of Bank
CenterCredit JSC (KASE's official "A" listing category, CCBNb10; KZT100,
KZT3.0 bn., October 8, 05 - October 8, 15, semi-annual coupon, indexed on
inflation rate, 8.50% APR for the current period) is fixed. Register is fixed for
the second coupon payment.
October 8 - settling-day of payment of second coupon to holders of bonds of
Bank CenterCredit JSC of KZPC3Y10B655 (CCBNb10) issue. Providing
that all bonds are in circulation, the amount of the payment is KZT127.5 m.
According to issue terms payment must be made until October 27, 2006