Activity results of Daughter organization of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan Halyk Encashment LLP and Halyk-Life JSC for the first half-year of 2006 - press release

12.09.06 22:37
/KASE, September 12, 06/ - Halyk savings bank of Kazakhstan JSC (Almaty), whose securities are traded in Kazakhstan stock exchange's (KASE) official "A" listing category, today spread a press release about Daughter organization of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan Halyk Encashment LLP and Halyk0Life JSC of the following content. Quotation start Daughter organization of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan Halyk Encashment LLP, established in 2005 on the basis of the acting service of encashment of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC, has along experience of executing encashment activity. The company got the license # 4 of the National Bank of RK for conducting banking operations - encashment and remittance of bank notes, coins and valuable. At present time the company renders service of encashment to clients in all regional, big and small cities, and also in regional centers over the whole territory of RK. Company's assets at the end of the first half-year of the current year are more than KZT519 m., equity capital reached KZT482.3 m. At present time 305 enterprises and organizations of different forms of ownership are the clients of the company. The sole participant of the Partnership is the joint-stock company Halyk savings bank of Kazakhstan. The Partnership is the subject of the big business, the authorized capital of the Partnership - KZT330 m. Along with servicing needs of Halyk Bank. The Partnership renders services of encashment to exterior clients. The Partnership insures transportation of clients' and Bank's cash. The material and technical basis of the Partnership comply with the most contemporary requirements (special auto transport, arms, ammunition (helmets, body armours), communications facilities and etc.). Halyk-Life JSC. Registered on November 17, 2005 Halyk-Life JSC renders the following types of services in the branch of "life insurance": life insurance, insurance in case of illness and other. Halyk-Life - the third private company in the country, which accomplishes the activity on life insurance. Company's authorized capital was paid at KZT550 m. As of September 6 of the current year the portfolio of insurance of Halyk-Life totaled about KZT36 m., at that the amount of insurance reserves - KZT38.3 m. The sole founder of the Company was the Company on foreign insurance Kazakhinstrakh JSC. In accordance with the Enactment of the Board of the Agency of RK for regulation and supervision of financial market and financial organizations dated August 12, 2006 a consent was given the Joint-stock Company Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan for acquisition of the status of a big participant. Halyk-Life has a license for fulfillment of the following types of insurance: life insurance; annuity insurance; insurance to a particular event in life; life insurance with the participation of an assurer in an insurer's investment income; insurance against accidents; insurance in case of illness. Quotation end [2006-09-12]