/IRBIS, Valeriy Khegay, August 8, 06/ - Following is the characteristics of
KZ2C0Y05C101 issue bonds of Central Asia Cement JSC (Almaty), which is
given in accordance with their inclusion in Kazakhstan stock exchange's
(KASE) official "A" listing category.
Data is shown in accordance with conclusion of KASE's Listing commission
and prospect of bonds' issue.
Type of securities: coupon bonds with fixed interest rate
Debt type: unsecured
Currency of the issue and servicing Kazakhstan tenge (KZT)
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Issue number in the state register ะก10
Issue registration date: March 23, 06
National identification number KZ2C0Y05C101
Bonds holders' register maintenance: Central securities depository JCS
Financial consultant: Halyk Finance JSC (Almaty)
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Face value of bond: KZT1
Issue volume in issue currency: 2,700,000,000
Issue volume in securities: 2,700,000,000
Circulation start date (issue date): August 7, 06
Circulation term: 5 years
Offering term: during the whole circulation term
Register fixation date at maturity: August 6, 11
Maturity start date: August 7, 11
Maturity term: 10 calendar days, since the date of
bonds maturity
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Coupon interest rate: 9.0%APR form the face value
Dates of register fixation for coupon
payment: February 6 and August 6 annually
Date of start coupon payment: February 7 and August 7 annually
Term of coupon payment: 10 calendar days, next after date of
the circulating period ending
Time base for all settlements: 30/360, European method
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Date of inclusion in KASE trade lists: August 7, 06
Trade code of KASE: CACMb1
Date of the first trades: will be determined later
Quoting system on KASE: in net prices, % from the face value
Accuracy of price changing at quoting: up to 4 decimal figures
Market-maker on KASE: Halyk Finance JSC (Almaty)
Minimal volume of compulsory quotation: 2,060,000bonds
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Credit ratings of the issue: absent as of August 8, 06
Credit ratings of the issuer: absent as of August 8, 06
Detailed information about the securities will be published on KASE's web
site at