Since July 18 of 2006 new trades with new instruments at the market of automatic repo with CS are opened on KASE

18.07.06 20:09
/KASE, July 18, 06/ - By decision of Board of Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE) on the basis of submitted application by the member of KASE since July 18, 2006 trades with new instruments at the market of automatic repo under pledge of the following securities: - KZ2CKY07B915 issue bonds (KASE's official listing "A" category, EUBNb3) of Eurasian bank JSC (Almaty) with term of repo operations 1, 3, 7, 14 and 30 days; - KZ2CKY03B120 issue bonds of Tsesnabank JSC (Astana) (KASE's official listing "A" category, TSBNb1) with term of repo operations 1, 3, 7 and 14 days; - KZ2CKY10B406 issue bonds of ATFBank JSC (Almaty) (KASE's official listing "A" category, ATFBb4) with term of repo operations 3, 7, 14 and 30 days; - KZPC1Y07B598 issue bonds of ATFBank JSC (Almaty) (KASE's official listing "A" category, ATFBb5) with term of repo operations 3, 7, 14 and 30 days; - KZPC1Y07B465 issue bonds of BANK CASPIAN JSC (Almaty) (KASE's official listing "A" category, CSBNb5) with term of repo operations 3, 7, 14 and 30 days; - KZPC1Y07B465 issue bonds of Astana-Finance JSC (Astana) (KASE's official listing "A" category, ASFIb5) with term of repo operations 14 and 30 days; - KZPC1Y10B634 issue bonds of Astana-Finance JSC (Astana) (KASE's official listing "A" category, ASFIb7) with term of repo operations 14 days; [2006-07-18]