Trade Information
Telephone: +7 (7152) 34-02-05
Republic of Kazakhstan, 150011, Petropavlovsk, Constitution of Kazakhstan str, 58
Primary activity:
in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Symbol ISIN Board Sector Category Trades Index
SKK024_144 KZMJ00001444 mix government securities 25.11.22
SKK024_146 KZMJ00001469 mix government securities 02.12.22
SKK024_165 KZMJ00001659 mix government securities 18.10.23
SKK024_178 KZMJ00001782 mix government securities 30.11.23
SKK024_186 KZMJ00001865 mix government securities 10.06.24
SKK119_015 KZMF00000150 mix government securities 26.06.20
SKK119_073 KZMF00000739 mix government securities 28.10.21
SKK131_014 KZMF00000143 mix government securities 17.08.20
SKK143_040 KZMF00000408 mix government securities 23.10.20
SKK143_041 KZMF00000416 mix government securities 23.10.20
SKK143_059 KZMF00000598 mix government securities 30.12.20