18 March 2025, 10:24
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Market and Company News
17.03.2025 14:42 #Trading information

Asian Development Bank raised KZT17.4 bn on KASE via subscription, by placing five-year international bonds XS3015676425 (ASDBe20) at 15.35 % APR

/KASE, March 17, 2025/ – On March 12, 2025, an initial offering of international bonds XS3015676425 (sector "securities of international financial organizations", ASDBe20; KZT17,379,167,000; 17.03.25 – 18.03.30; 30/360) of the Asian Development Bank was conducted in the trading system of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE, or the Exchange) by way of subscription. Below are the bid parameters and subscription results.

Tengri Partners Investment Banking (Kazakhstan) JSC (Almaty) acted as the seller during the subscription to these bonds.


Number of participants:                                           5                                                          
Number of orders submitted (all / active ones),                   6 / 4                                                      
– limit:                                                          6 / 4                                                      
– market:                                                         0 / 0                                                      
Volume of active orders*, mln tenge,                              17,400.0                                                   
– limit:                                                          17,400.0                                                   
– market:                                                         0.0                                                        
Bid to ask:                                                       100.1 %                                                    
Rate of coupon on orders submitted, % (on all / active ones):                                                                                        
– minimum                                                         15.3000                                                    
– maximum                                                         15.3500                                                    
– weighted average                                                15.3041 / 15.3066                                          
* active orders – orders not annulled by trade participants at expiry of order                                                                       
  submission period including those confirmed by Confirmation System                                                                                  
In the total volume of active orders, banks accounted for 13.2 %, other institutional investors – 
for 58.1 %, and other legal entities – for 28.7 %.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
Volume of orders executed, bonds:                            17,379,167,000                                             
Volume of orders executed, KZT:                              17,379,167,000.0                                           
Number of orders executed:                                   4                                                          
Number of participants, whose orders                         4                                                          
were executed:                                                                                                                                       
Volume of orders executed, % of plan:                        100.0                                                      
Rate of coupon in executed orders, % APR:                    15.3500                                                    

In terms of the main categories of investors, 13.1 % of the total volume was purchased by banks, 58.1 % – by other institutional investors, 28.8 % – by other legal entities.

According to the Central Securities Depository (Almaty), deals based on the results of subscription to said bonds have been settled by the time of publication of this information, the subscription has been completed.


------------------------------ ----------------
Subscription date:             12.03.25        
Nominal placement volume, KZT: 17,379,167,000  
Purchase order type:           limit and market
Order collection time:         09:30–12:30     
Date and time of transactions: 12.03.25, 15:00 
Date and time of settlements:  17.03.25, 09:30 
