31.10.01 00:00
/ИРБИС, 31.10.01/ - Международное рейтинговое агентство Moody's
Investors Service, Inc (Moody's, Нью-Йорк) 30 октября 2001 года
опубликовало сообщение, в котором говорится о понижении рейтинга
эмитента ЗАО "ННК "КАЗАХОЙЛ" (Астана; нефтедобыча и сопутствующие
работы) до "Ва3" с "Ва2". Прогноз рейтинга "стабильный".
В качестве основной причины понижения рейтинга указывается изъятие
правительством Казахстана у ЗАО "ННК "КАЗАХОЙЛ" 20%-го пакета
Тенгизшевройл. Moody's сообщает, что снижение рейтинга отражает
значительное сокращение запасов, отныне доступных компании, и падение
объемов производства, к которому привело изъятие госпакета. Агентство
также считает, что данное событие негативно повлияет на перспективы
развития компании и потенциально ослабит долгосрочное значение ЗАО
"ННК "КАЗАХОЙЛ" для Казахстана.
Ниже приводится полный текст сообщения на английском языке,
опубликованный на официальном веб-сайте Moody's.
London, 30 October 2001 - Moody's Investors Service today lowered the issuer
rating of Kazakhoil National Oil & Gas Company ("Kazakhoil") from Ba2 to Ba3.
This action concludes the rating review initiated on 24th August 2001
following the announcement that the Kazakh Government would transfer
Kazakhoil's 20% stake in the TengizChevroil project (TCO) from the company
without consideration. Moody's said the downgrade reflects the significant
loss of reserves and production that the transfer constitutes, the impact it
will have on the future development of the company and the potential
weakening of Kazakhoil's long-term importance to the Kazakh state.
The transfer of Kazakhoil's remaining 20% interest in TCO (the other 5% was
removed without consideration earlier in the year) took away some 45% of the
company's total assets and reduced its pro forma EBIT by 55%, although in
practical terms no cash benefit accrued to Kazakhoil from this lost profit.
On a pro forma basis Kazakhoil's hydrocarbon production was cut from 127
million barrels of oil equivalent (boe) to just 50 million boe, a
differential which will be even more marked in this year's production as TCO
production levels ramp up. While it was Kazakhoil that requested the
transfer, as it felt it was gaining no economic value from the stake in TCO
due to the Government taking TCO-linked payments out of the company and with
the prospect of significant cash calls from the other partners, Moody's
believes that this move is a material setback to Kazakhoil's development and
may lessen its long-term importance to the state. It could also accelerate
the possibility of a future partial privatisation of the company, although it
may be several years before (and if at all) Kazakhoil is privatised, Moody's
added. In the interim, Kazakhoil will continue to rebuild its production
levels, and there will likely be other opportunities for the company to
participate in projects on the state's behalf, particularly on the Caspian
shelf, through which the company's development could permit some positive
rating action depending on its ongoing operational and financial relationship
with the Government.
Kazakhoil benefited from high oil prices in 2000 and this year with resultant
improvements in interest coverages and other financial measurements. While
the return of TCO to the Government will also reduce Kazakhoil's debt burden
materially, Moody's expects that its debt protection ratios will decline from
current elevated levels as the company raises debt to fund significant
upstream development, upgrade its Atyrau refinery, and build out further
infrastructure. The rating outlook stable.
Kazakhoil, headquartered in Astana, Kazakhstan, is the state-owned oil and
gas company of Kazakhstan. Its activities include exploration and production,
refining, transportation, marketing, and the export of crude oil, refined
product and gas.
London London
Stuart Lawton Jeremy Hawes
Managing Director Senior Vice President
Corporate Finance Group Corporate Finance Group
Moody's Investors Service Ltd. Moody's Investors Service Ltd.
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