Fitch присвоило финальный рейтинг В+ евробондам ТуранАлема на $400 млн

30.01.06 17:36
/REUTERS, 30.01.06/ - Рейтинговое агентство Fitch Ratings присвоило окончательный рейтинг "В+" бессрочным облигациям казахстанского банка ТуранАлем на $400 миллионов, сообщило агентство в понедельник. ТуранАлем, второй крупнейший банк Казахстана, планирует использовать привлеченные средства для увеличения собственного капитала. Ниже приводится оригинальный текст сообщения агентства Fitch на английском языке. FITCH ASSIGNS BANK TURANALEM'S TIER I ISSUE FINAL 'B+' RATING Fitch Ratings-London/Moscow-30 January 2006: Fitch Ratings has today assigned BTA Finance Luxembourg S.A.'s ('the issuer') USD400 million issue of 8.25% perpetual preferred securities ('the securities') a final Long-term 'B+' rating. The notes have been issued solely for financing a subordinated loan from the issuer to TuranAlem Finance B.V., Netherlands, which will in turn make a further subordinated loan to Kazakhstan's Bank TuranAlem ("BTA"). The securities are intended to qualify as Tier I capital under Kazakhstani banking regulations in an amount equal to 15% of BTA's Tier I capital. The remainder of the issue is intended to qualify as Tier II capital. The difference between the rating of the notes and BTA's 'BB+' Long-term foreign currency rating reflects Fitch's notching policy for senior and more junior obligations, indicating the higher expected loss for the latter. It also takes into account the fact that BTA's Long- term rating is driven by the possibility of support being made available by the Kazakhstani authorities in case of need. In Fitch's opinion such support would be less likely to be given in order to prevent the triggering of dividend cancellation provisions on the Securities. Further details on the transaction can be found in Fitch's announcement of 6 January, available on the agency's subscription website, BTA (rated Long-term foreign currency 'BB+'/Outlook Stable, Short-term foreign currency 'B', Long-term local currency 'BBB-' (BBB minus)/Outlook Stable, Short- term local currency 'F3', Individual 'C/D', Support '3') was the second largest commercial bank in Kazakhstan by IFRS assets at end-H105, and has top three positions in all major market segments. Contact: James Watson, Alexei Kechko, Moscow, Tel: +7 095 956 9901. Media Relations: Jon Laycock, London, Tel: +44 20 7417 4327. [2006-01-30]